Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October Goals

Saaaaaay whaaaaaat?!?!?

Raise your hand if your mind is BLOWN that it is October!
 2012 is flying by and I CANNOT FRIGGIN BELIEVE that I am a MONTH away from my due date and  a MONTH away from my one year anniversary. 
Time sure does fly when you're getting fat, I mean, having fun!

Now that we've kicked off a new month, it's time to kick off some new goals. Here's what I'm hoping to accomplish this October...

Clean one room a day. 
So, this past weekend I was dusting our bedroom {which hadn't been done in an embarrassingly long time} and I had an idea. If I cleaned one room a day, the house would always be clean. We only have six rooms in our house and none of them are huge, so really I should be able to straighten up, dust & vacuum a room in 15-30 minutes. If all it takes is 30 minutes, I have no excuse not to get one room done a day and that still leaves me with an extra day to make up a room I missed OR to rest and enjoy my clean house. 
Here's the schedule:
Monday: Nursery
Tuesday: Family Room
Wednesday: Turtle Bathroom
Thursday: Kitchen
Friday: REST
Saturday: Master Bedroom
Sunday: Master Bathroom
We'll see how this goes.

Reach goal of 250 miles. 
I am dangerously close to meeting my goal of walking 250 miles during my pregnancy and seeing as I'm only a month from my due date...I better get this done! 

Stand up as a bridesmaid in my brother's wedding. 
My baby brother is getting married in 18 days! Everyone keeps joking that I am going to go into labor and miss the wedding--but there's no way I want to miss this special day, so homegirl needs to stay nice and cozy until after the wedding. 

Finish the nursery
I am SO close to being done! I am waiting on a couple of decor pieces and then from there it's just putting everything in it's place, doing baby laundry and organizing the closet & changing table.  

Make my Christmas list
Yes, I realize it's October...but I have a feeling I'm going to be a teensy bit preoccupied in November/December, so I want to get my list together of who to buy for and get some gift ideas! 
Maybe I'll even start shopping! 

Prepare for maternity leave. 
I have a bunch of things I need to get finished up and organized before I am away from the office.

Any big goals you want to accomplish this month?


  1. Bahahahaha that comic is awesome!

    I want to get my christmas list done early too so I can enjoy everything!


  2. My hand is definitely raised- Can't freaking believe it's October either?! WTH!!

    Good for you for trying to set up a cleaning routine- I need to do that, I have no excuse either! Right now I'm trying to kindof "declutter" every room.. we have wayy too much crap! So I've been going room by room and really gutting everything out. Once I've done that, I want it to STAY nice, so I'll have to try a cleaning schedule like yours :)

    Can't WAIT to see the cute nursery once it's all finished- yay!!!

  3. How are you so organized?! I'm envious of your get it done attitude! haha

  4. I can't wait to see the nursery! I usually designate Sundays to clean the whole house from top to bottom but this is a great idea that may make it less overwhelming. I know- I need to start thinking about Christmas shopping too- the holidays are fast approaching.


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