Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Ready for Baby!

I CANNOT believe it! 

I have officially completed everything on my Baby To-Do List!
Remember how long that bad boy was? 

In the last month or so I have completed the rest of the originally daunting list:

√ Find a pediatrician
I went to Southdale Pediatrics early in September to check out the office and meet with Dr. Hersey.
I loved absolutely everything about the office, the practice philosophies and Dr. H. Not to mention they have a tank with baby turtles in the waiting room. Bonus points for sure!
I feel amazing about entrusting Dr. Hersey (and the rest of the staff at Southdale Peds) with the health of my baby.

√ Figure out childcare
We are so incredibly blessed to have a plethora of grandparents nearby who are not only willing to help but are excited to do-so. Jason and I are also very lucky to have jobs with somewhat flexible schedules. So, between the two of us and some super awesome grandparents we have baby girl covered, without having to pay thousands of dollars a month to a day care.

√ Get maternity pictures taken
The pictures have been taken, and per usual, Sara Jayne did an incredible job! I absolutely love them!
See more photos HERE!

√ Find baby shower outfit for shower #2 and shower #3
I not only found the outfits, but went to the showers (details HERE and HERE) and have sent out the thank you cards! 

√ Purchase any important items remaining on registry
Thanks to the completion coupons that both Babies R Us and Target sent and the stock pile of coupons and gift cards I've been saving up, I was able to buy the remaining must-have items from our registries.

√ Baby laundry
Do you ever just sit on the floor of a nursery and inhale the smell of baby clothes? Oh, yeah, me neither.
BUT, pretty sure there's not a better smell than freshly washed baby clothes (except baby shampoo...that's my favorite smell EVER!)
Anyways...Nugget's newborn and 0-3 month outfits, sheets, blankets, bibs and burp clothes have all been washed and smell amazing...can't wait to get her freshly shampooed head in to these little outfits.

√ Pack for the hospital
We're packed up and ready for action at any time of day or night.
Check out THIS POST for my "What to Pack" list.

√ Reach goal of walking 250 miles during pregnancy
I DID IT! And if you all read THIS POST, you know how excited I was (and still am) that I accomplished this goal!

√ Install Car Seat
The car seat has been installed! I'm not currently driving around with the whole shebang, but the base is there to stay and once we get down to those final days we can pop the carrier in there.

√ Finish the nursery!!!
Nugget's room is FINISHED!!!
I am SO excited to show you the completed nursery TOMORROW! Stay tuned! 

Now, with just 22 days until Nugget's due date I really have nothing to do but relax, stand up as a bridesmaid in my brother's wedding this weekend and then wait for baby!

It feels so good to be prepared. I know that NOTHING can really prepare me for the storm that will soon hit, but knowing that I've accomplished everything I wanted to do before Nuggie arrives makes me really happy and SO excited to finally get her here!

Mama's ready for you baby girl!
BUT...you still need you to cook a little longer (even though I'd be totally fine if you came like now).


  1. YAY!!! :) OMG. This just got me so excited. I think it was the clothes in the closet. I can't wait to spoil the crap out of that nugget!! :)

  2. I can see myself being a LOT like you, haha.. you won't be able to control a ton when the baby comes, but by god I'll control as much as I can before! You're SO on top of things! Can't WAIT to see the nursery! wee!

  3. AHH! Clothes in the closet! A nursery reveal! Bags packed! Wooo!!!!! :) Love love LOVE how organized and on the ball you've been throughout the entire pregnancy. You're my role model for when I get pregnant haha. I WILL be referencing your blog a lot when that time comes :)

  4. I will be coming to you when I get pregnant to help me with all my lists! I love lists!!!!! Your ped. looks so young and sweet! I bet she will be awesome with your girl. And how freaking awesome that your daughter will be in the hands of grandparents...they will love that! My mom lives about 20 min from us and I already know she will love watching our babies when we have them. And I.am.DYING. to see your nursery!111

  5. SRRSLY. GO YOU!! So proud of all that you've accomplished and I HOPE that you have a great big ol' smile on your face about this post. You're a phenom :-D


    So glad you feel prepared, that's the best!


  7. Yay yay so excited. Can't wait Muuahz xoxo loves ya
    N good work :)

  8. This is awesome. I can't wait to see the nursery!

  9. GOOD JOB!! That is so awesome that you finished everything will time to spare! Total relaxtion for you which is much needed right before baby arrives. I hope I am as motivated as you when we plan for little one. I love lists also...but sometimes I get overwhelmed with them and how long they can be! Did you make your own or find different lists online?

  10. Aw, that's awesome! Your to-do list was so long and that's great you were able to get everything you wanted done before the baby arrives!

  11. oh my goodness can not believe you are soo close! It is bittersweet. SO glad that you got everything done and feel as prepared as possible.

  12. All done nesting and it is adorable for baby girl.
    You are ready! xo m


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