Monday, October 15, 2012

a VERY Fawver baby shower

Last week I had my third and final baby shower hosted by my Mother-in-Law, Judye! The shower included Jason's side of the family and was so much fun. I've grown up with the Fawver family, so it was really special to have everyone together celebrating the soon-to-be newest addition to the Fawver clan. 

Judye (my mother-in-law) has been in the middle of a renovation and worked her booty off to have the house ready to host this shower...on top of that she made all of the food herself. She is well aware of my insane pregnancy sweet tooth, so the night's menu was very appropriately--desserts! I die for her biscotti! 

The rest of the ladies sipped on wine, while I enjoyed my very own bottle of non-alcoholic champagne which was shockingly good! It wasn't as sweet as the sparkling ciders and actually tasted like champagne!

This adorable little lady is Jason's grandma, Jeannie. She has 6 kids (she had 4 boys, tried for a girl and got twins!), 15 grandkids and Nugget will be great-grandbaby number 12! We were talking about my due date and Jeannie mentioned that there are an insane amount of Fawvers born in November (4 of her 6 kids have November birthdays). One of J's aunts chimed in and said, "We did the math and figured out mom & dad must have had some fun Valentines days." Jeannies response? "We probably should have just had candy"
Seriously. Hilarious! 

If you can't tell from Grandma Jeannie's stats...Jason's family is HUGE! A holiday with twenty people is "the small group." It was so fun to have a lot of the Fawver ladies together! 
It meant so much to me that Judye put this shower together for their family and that so many people were able to come, it made me feel really special!

My Beeb was sweet enough to come and handle the shower games. We played a really fun Baby Price is Right where Carolyn bought popular baby items (like baby powder etc) and everyone had to guess the price, whoever's price was closest to the total of all the items won! And, bonus!, I got to bring home all the baby stuff! 

My mama and mama-in-law...aka grandmas-to-be! :)

Once again the little Nugget was spoiled and received some adorable outfits, some much needed items (hello, diapers!) and some very thoughtful and generous gifts. 
That last photo is the Christmas stocking that Judye is MAKING for Nugget! She has made one for everyone in the family and I am so excited that baby girl will have her very own special stocking for her first Christmas! 

It was another wonderful shower and I can't believe that they're all done, we have all the baby stuff we could ever want AND that Little Miss Thang will be here any minute to start using all these fun things! 


  1. Such a great shower!! :) I think we're all set to meet the nugget now!!

  2. dang 3 showers! You have got to be SET!!!!!!! Your "moms" are so gorgeous! I remember your wedding pics...your mom could be your sister!

  3. I LOVE Grandma Jeannie!!! Hahaha, I cracked up at her comments regarding Valentine's day! too cute :)

    SOOOO READY to "meet" baby F!!

  4. What a beautiful shower. That dessert table looks so amazing. I want a sample of everything!

  5. Awwww, FUN!! You are right, little baby girl is so spoiled already ;-D SUCH a cute story about Jason's grandma and the children. You and Carolyn look adorable and HOW fun does the Price Is Right game sound?? Looks so such a fun time :-)

  6. Awwwwww yay, showers are so fun!

    Lil nugget is gonna be so blessed, so excited for her!

    LOVE the food and that stocking is stinkin' precious!

  7. I agree with everyone else! Gorgeous family K!!! You're so blessed and still gorgeous. ugh. jealous how photogenic you are!! haahah

  8. Looks like another great shower! The dessert table looks delicious :)

  9. Everything looks delicious, and you looked fantastic!

    The Valentine's Day thing - too funny! My Grandma's doctor told her no more New Years Eve parties haha. She had 5 September babies ;)

  10. Haha cracking up at Grandma Jeannie's comment! Hilarious! You girls all look so tan! Have you been sunless tanning?? You look fab!

  11. You're so blessed! That shower looked like a great event and the food looked amazing!


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