Monday, October 1, 2012

Weekend Recap

happy monday everyone. womp. womp. 

Our week is off to a less-than-stellar start as we had to bring Jason's car in this morning. It's been making this awful sound and yesterday it wouldn't start. Thankfully, we were able to get it started and get it to the repair place. I guess something is wrong with a belt, I know nothing about cars...I just know they're expensive and there are tons more things we need to be spending that money on right, bummer. 

Other than the car probs, this weekend was a great one. We kicked it off Friday night with our 4th wedding of September. Jason's friend Todd from college was married in a gorgeous park in St. Anthony. 

Whenever all of J's college friends get together it's always a BLAST! They are a hysterical group of guys that I absolutely adore and it helps that all of their wives & girlfriends are super cool too. We had a great time catching up with friends we don't get to see often and celebrating Todd & Katy's first night as husband and wife. 

Saturday we were up and at my dad's house early for the Gophers vs Hawkeyes game. 
 This game was HUGE for my Gophers. We were going in to the game 4-0, it was the Big 10 opener, Iowa's homecoming, a HUGE rivalry game that we've won the past two years and a HUGE rivalry game. No seriously, the rivalry is HUGE. I had a bad feeling about the game all week and sadly my intuition was right....the Goph's played like horse poop. We lost the game but we still had a great time watching it at my dad's. 

After the game everyone was exhausted and depressed so we all took a nice big family nap. 
 Naps at my dad's are my FAVORITE. His couch is giant and so comfy and the basement gets pitch black. It's the best. 

The rest of Saturday and all day Sunday were pretty low key. I took Bailey for a couple of walks, did some cleaning around the house, went to AOTT for a meeting and since the Gophers lost and Jason had to shave his "lucky" beard, we had some fun with facial hair styles. 
Pretty hot, huh?

I hope you all had great weekends. Here's to a great week and let's hope it goes quick! 


  1. Bummed your team lost but hooray for a wonderful nap!

    You and your belly are too cute for words!

  2. Looks like you guys had a blast at the wedding!! You look GORGEOUS in that blue dress!!

  3. I love that blue dress on you!

    I have a weekend recap linkup on my blog: if you want to put your blog in!

  4. First off-- sorry for the car trouble :-( Hoping that it's nothing too crazy.

    LOVE the Gopher Beard ;-) TOO FUNNY. And I love the cozy, sweatshirt & sweatpants sister photo from Saturday morning!! LOVE a good nap too.

    Have a great Monday, K!!

  5. That pic of your fur baby all snuggled up next to you is so precious :)


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