Friday, January 11, 2013

The A-Z of ME!

In a desperate attempt to come up with post ideas, the Beeb recommended I do one of these fun little "getting-to-know-you-alphabet-games" and, yes, that is the official title of these things. You may fall asleep, you may be tempted to hit the little red X on the top of your screen or you may find something that we have in common that you didn't realize causing you to bond with me deeply. 

Can you tell I have NOTHING to write about?

Enough of the garbage, here's the list (which may actually be the real garbage). 

Age: 28, but I still feel 21. I have no idea where these last 7 years went. 

Bed size: Queen.

Chore you hate:  Cleaning the shower...I just can't get the sucker clean, so Jason does it.

Dogs: One perfect little puggle named Bailey. 

Essential start to your day: COFFEE. I have a serious Starbucks addiction, but since I'm not made of money, a nice cup at home or the Keurig at work suffice. 

Favorite color: Black. If you're going to gripe and say "black isn't a color" then I will have to say yellow. But really, it's black.

Gold or Silver: Silver. I like bold & chunky gold jewelry but all of my every day jewels are silver. 

Height: 5'7 1/2 - ish.

Instruments you play: I attempted to play the flute in middle school. Attempted.

Job Title: Sales Executive

Kids: My one little perfect princess, Kenley K. 

Live: Love, Laugh. That's all there is to it.  

Married: to my soul mate.  

Nicknames: Kris, Krossch, Kritter, Toot, Chow Chow, Risser, Hips, Kristopher

Overnight hospital stays: just when I gave birth

Pet peeve: I have a lot of them...but I'd have to say when people don't pay attention to their surroundings, specifically at malls & sporting events. 

Quote: "When life is down and brings the blues, shop for shop for shop for shoes."

Righty or Lefty: Righty, but one summer as a kid I tried to make myself ambidextrous by only using my left hand (lasted for like 1.5 days).

Siblings: Ummmm, brother (23), one half sister (15), two step-sisters (33 and 30), three sister-in-laws (30, 23, 14), two brother-in-laws (23 and 21) and two step-sister-in-laws (33 and 31).

Time you wake up: 6am (lame)

University attended:  University of Minnesota, whoop!

Vegetables you dislike: Mushrooms! Is that a vegetable? 

What makes you run late: Lately, my baby. Previously, deciding on an outfit. 

X-rays you've had: Never had one...had plenty of ultrasounds and an MRI though. 

Yummy food: Guacamole. Chinese. Pasta. Tacos. French Fries. Cheese.

Zoo animal favorite: Otters! I frickin LOVE the otters! 

Happy Weekend friends! 


  1. the righty comment made me giggle, i learned that we could probably eat off the same plate for dinner annd....

    we are both GOPH alum :)

    these posts are never boring! thanks for sharing! :)

  2. I'm so proud of how many things I already knew on this list. Another veggie you hate - tomatoes. Duh! :)

  3. Excuse me- how do you hate tomatoes?! (According to Carolyn!) They are my FAVE... I legit eat them like apples, haha! You are prob so disgusted now!

    I also played the flute for 6 years and was in the marching band. WOOP!

  4. I love otters too! And penguins! :)

  5. Yup you certainly are my daughter. Will be interesting to see how similar you and Kenley become. xo m

  6. You have a 14 year old sister-in-law? I couldn't have read that right....

    And I never realized you were so tall! Because Jason aparently super tall, I always took you for 5'3"ish... Loved this post!

  7. Hahah! I'm pretty sure that the ambidextrious thing is a right of passage in grade school. Toootally did that too.

    And yeeup. A mushroom is a vegetable. Did you know that CORN isn't a veggie?? It's a grain. And the other day I TOOOOTALLY embarassed myself in front of my employees by asking, "If I can't eat dairy, then I don't understand why I can eat eggs!" To which I was told, "DUH. Poultry!!" I felt like SUCH a moron. I mean, I used to TEACH this stuff LOL ;-D

  8. Otters...I fricken love the otters!!! Hahaha...never heard anyone show so much love for otters!!!

  9. I swear I was always punctual . . . until I had a baby. Now I have to get up so much earlier to make sure I'm on time!

  10. Great post girlie! I loved all the fun facts! xoxo

  11. Love these kind of posts :D I might steal this for my blog!

  12. Yep, we have bonded! I attempted to play the flute in Middle School too. Of course I also attempted to play the Clarinet and Saxophone. Finally the band director just told me to "pretend" like I was playing. Yes, I was that bad.

  13. Ooo I didn't know you loved otters. =0)


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