Monday, January 14, 2013

this weekend

This weekend was a pretty quiet one, which was really nice. 

It started off with Kenley's TWO MONTH check up at the doctor. 
Can someone please explain to me how it is that my baby will be two months old tomorrow? Crazy. 

Friday night, Jason and I went to my work's holiday party at a bar/bowling alley down the street from my office. It was a really fun night and I even walked away with a trophy....for "The Best Worst Bowler." Yup, my whoppin' score of 77 sent me home with this bad boy. 

 Saturday, me and Kenley were both feeling out of sorts and since Jason had plans with his brothers, Ken and I spent the entire day in our jammies and on the couch, which aside from feeling crappy was amazing. Thanks to Netflix I started watching Friday Night Lights. I know so many people who were obsessed with this show and I just never got into it...well I'm in to it now. I watched almost the entire first season this weekend and am itching to keep going. 

Sunday, I still wasn't feeling the best so it was another low key day. We were able to make it out of the house to go grocery shopping and that was about it. My mom is in town (hooray!), so she came over for dinner and to watch the Golden Globes. I thought Tina & Amy were amazing hosts but I was a little bummed because I have seen almost NONE of the movies this year. I LOVE award season so every year I try and see as many nominated films as I can, but obviously I'm a little restricted this year. Hopefully I can get out and see at least a few movies before the Oscars. But who cares about that....we all know the only reason any of us watch these shows is to see what the celebs wear. I thought it was a pretty impressive red carpet this year, but there were three gorgeous ladies who really stood out to me: 
 Hayden, Taylor and Jessica get my "Best Dressed" votes! I love all three of these dresses and thought the ladies accessorized them perfectly. 

Who was your fashion fave from last night? 


  1. Friday Night Lights used to be my favorite show! I wish they never would have cancelled it. Hope you are feeling better!

  2. I don't know how it's possible for Kenley to be 2 months old either. CRAZY TOWN.

    I was debating about watching Friday Night Lights on Netflix too... maybe I'll have to add it to my list! We watched the whole first season of Sons of Anarchy... SO GOOD!

  3. I didn't catch the globes last night - but, you bet I'll be checking out the best and worst dressed lists online. LOVE Jessica Alba's dress..the color looks great on her.

  4. I LOVE Friday Night Lights! I watched all of it on Netflix last year! :)

  5. SUCH kha-ute photos of K!! 2 months already, craziness :-D

    Sounds like a nice weekend, hope you're feeling better today?

    I like all three of those dresses but WHAT are up with Hayden's (polly pocket, anyone??) and Jessica's (looks like a skinned sesame street puppet LOL) clutches??

  6. Sweet baby girl is sooo precious!! Friday night lights was so good. Last year we got really into it too!! I miss it!!

  7. Your girl is SO cute! I tried to watch Friday Night Lights on Netflix but couldn't get into it. I might want to try it again tho!

  8. obsessed with Friday Night Lights. I never got into it when it was on TV but my husband and I both tore through the seasons on NetFlix last year! it's so addicting.

    P.S. "Best Worst Bowler Award" - you go Glen Coco! :)

  9. Hope you are feeling better!! LOVE FNL!! great show

  10. I cannot believe she is 2 months already!!!!!

  11. K turning 2 months makes me sad because E is right behind her. :(

  12. ok kenley is the spitting image of you two....obviously...hahah but for still being so young, she looks IDENTICAL to you guys! SUCH A SWEETIE!!

    hope you are feeling better mama!

    I'm with you...i haven't seen many of the globe movies...except sky fall...holy amazing. I am also dyyyying to see BRAVE!!


  13. OMG the first pic of Ken is cracking me up! I love it! Congrats on your trophy haha. Looks like you have a fun work group. Hope you start to feeling better!

    PS--loved Katherine McPhee's dress last night! She looked so sassy!

  14. i loved Jessica Alba's dress! and I Heidi Klum, she looked amazing!

  15. FNL is one of my favorite series ever. YOu will love all of the seasons, they are so different, but keep the series true.

    Full eyes, full hearts!

    Love all three dresses, gorgeous!

  16. Oh how I loved watching Disney movies with my kids. I am equally excited to watch with Kens. Cannot imagine growing up without them but we are weird that way.
    xo m

  17. LOVED Taylor's dress and how in the world do you have a 2 month old?!

  18. I always loved watching Friday Night Lights. I cannot believe little miss will be 2 months already. My how times flies by way too fast :(

  19. I can't believe that she is already 2 months!! It feels like I just read the post that you had her!!


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