Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Summer Bucket List

I'm a little late to the party on this, but I've seen a lot of people posting Summer Bucket lists and I love the idea! I thought creating a bucket list would be a great way to set some summer goals for myself AND share some of the summer plans that I am really looking forward to!

Be a better blogger! 
This is a little vague but overall I'd like to be better at posting more regularly and DEFINITELY need to be better at responding to e-mails in a timely manner and staying up to date and commenting on all of your blogs! I'm reading them...I'm just usually a few days behind and read from my phone so it's hard to comment.

Plan a super fun {and special} FIRST Father's Day for Jason. 
I already have something in the works....but I need to make sure it's a day he'll remember. 

Sign up for a 5K.
I set a resolution to run three 5Ks this year and I've already done two. This summer I need to sign up for (and maybe even run) one more. 

Organize Kenley's clothes / equipment / etc.
My little angel will be 7 MONTHS OLD this month and has obviously outgrown a lot of her stuff. I need to go through every thing and start packing up / donating / giving away what Kenley no longer needs.

Road Trip to See Billy & Jackie!
Jason and I made some amazing friends on our honeymoon and we've been so lucky to be able to keep in touch and hang out with them beyond the honeymoon (they live in Iowa). This summer we're road tripping to a fun lake town in Iowa for a mini reunion and some fun!

Run / Walk 175 miles this summer. 
It's a tall order but if I'm going to make my 400 mile goal this year, it needs to be done!

Enjoy a wonderfully festive 4th of July weekend! 
I love the 4th of July and I am excited to celebate Kenley's first! She already has a couple of patriotic outfits for the occasion and I just cant wait. Maybe it will actually feel like summer by then!

Shake my booty with my mom & Beyonce!
My mom and I saw Lady B when she was here a few years ago and knew we HAD to see her again when she announced her new tour. It just doesn't get any better than Beyonce.

Take Kenley to a play group!
There's a place near our house that has a baby play group every Friday and I'd love to bring Kenley! She definitely is around a ton of people with her 8 grandparents and 10 Aunts & Uncles but she hasn't had a ton of time around other babies - so I want to get her socialized.

Celebrate Alex & Lina! 
One of my best buds is getting married this summer in COLUMBIA {where his fiance is from}. I am so sad I won't be able to go, but am so happy they are having an at-home party to celebrate!

Throw a kick ass Baby Shower for the Beeb!
Planning & organizing is in full swing and I am SO excited for her to see all the details and to have friends and family together to celebrate Jake, Carolyn & baby Beebo!

My mom and I JUST (as in this morning) bought tickets to see BSB in Chicago the first weekend of August! I am SHAKING with excitement! My thirteen-year-old self is jumping up and down, screaming and probably crying a little!

Celebrate Kristen & Joe!
My oldest friend {since we were 4!} is getting married in Chicago this summer! I can't wait for a mini-vacation with my husby and to see one of my dearest friends walk down the aisle!!!

Go to Mommy & Me Yoga!
We had such a great time last time we went, I'd like to make it a more regular thing! Plus, my mother-in-law very sweetly gifted me two classes! My goal is to go at least 3 times this summer!

Celebrate Pat & Nikki!
ANOTHER one of my best buds is getting married this summer! All of my best high school guy friends are in the wedding, all of whom moved out of state, so I CANNOT wait for this mini - reunion!

Celebrate my Husby's 33rd Birthday! 
We love birthdays in our house and I'm excited to plan something fun to celebrate the birth of my man!

Start a "ME" night. 
I want to find one night a week to have some me time away from the house. This is going to be hard for me because I LOVE being at home with my little family. But I need some me time to get some errands done, maybe take a weekly yoga class and spoil myself.

I would never wish away summer but the start of football season might just be my favorite time of year! The season opener this year is a HOME GAME. A NIGHT GAME. IN AUGUST & ON A THURSDAY. BOOM!

TIM MCGRAW at the State Fair!
The summer finale will be the Tim McGraw concert on Labor Day at the Minnesota State Fair with my family and our best friends! CANNOT.FRIGGEN.WAIT to spend my day chowing down on fatty foods and spending my night hangin' with Tim!

What are you up to or hoping to accomplish this summer?


  1. Great goals! I'm totally making my own summer bucket list now!

  2. I was paying attention until you posted a picture of Tim McGraw...

  3. SUCH a fun summer list. I need to post one of these, too! I feel like if I write it all down and publish it, I will more than likely accomplish more. :)

  4. Sounds like an awesome summer! Seeing Tim McGraw at the State Fair would be awesome. I may have to travel up there for work and stay the weekend.

  5. Sorry, your pic of Ryan Gosling totally distracted me for a few minutes! Great list! I've just started looking into mommy&me yoga for me and my little lady. Is there a place you like/recommend?

  6. Sounds so fun ! vacations, road trips, parties, covered it all ! I just want some beach time , walks outside, maybe canoe or kayak one time, hit up the outlets and have lobster lunch...the list goes on !

  7. You put me to shame with all you get done. Can I just tag along with all sound like so much fun!

  8. You put me to shame with all you get done. Can I just tag along with all sound like so much fun!

  9. sounds like a WAY super fun summer to me!

  10. baby and me yoga - so fun!! isaiah got me a membership to blooma and i want to try that someday! i love your bucket list and absolutely love the friendship you and carolyn have! so lucky!

  11. sounds like a blast! I may have to make my own summer bucket I wish I could get to regina for a rider game this summer or fall but I'll probs take in some u of s huskies games this fall

  12. these are awesome goals girly!!!

    kenley in a play group....she would be the center of attention she is just so cute!

    BSB in chicago!! AHHHHH i am so jealous thats going to be amazing. I'm goin to a place nearby...gotta go! SHOULDA SAID NO! Now i cant stop singing

    a me night sounds perfect!! :) spoiling yourself is deff a good idea!

    this sounds like a fab bucket list my dear! i want to go see BSB now! hahah

    loves u!

  13. omg BSB concert!! LOL! I remember going to one in the 90s.... classic! Cant wait to see what you come up with for Carolyn's shower...I know it will be fabulous!

  14. this list sounds awesome! wish i could join you on some of these!!

  15. Great list! I already made a summer list of all the places we say we're going to visit and never do - including museums, outdoor activities and day trips.

  16. Sounds like you are going to have a very fun summer!

  17. I am SO jealous you get to see Tim, I wanted to go with my cousin, but the tickets were sold out by the time we tried to buy them :(

  18. Oh my gosh so much fun stuff you have planned! I can't believe Kenley is 7 months already! Ahh!


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