Monday, June 24, 2013

WEEKEND: Shower at the Track, Special Road Trip Reunion & a Birthday!

Good gracious! I am a slow-movin'-train this morning. One - because I am exhausted and Two - because this was one of the best weekends ever and I am seriously depressed that it is over. 

Friday night me, Jason and my mom headed out to Canterbury Park {the race track} for a couples shower for one of my high school girlfriends, Liz and her fiance Justin. 
The weather was questionable and some races were cancelled due to crazy storms, but we were able to bet on some ponies and have a great time with great friends. Liz's parents had the 4th race named for Liz and Justin which was SO cool. At the beginning of the race they announced it as the "Cutshall / Maiser Wedding" race and the couple, their parents and the wedding party got to watch the race from the winner's circle. 
pretty cool. 

Saturday morning we were up super early for something I have been looking forward to for a LONG time. Jason and I made lifelong friends on our honeymoon and this weekend we were reunited with Billy & Jackie after a year and a half {they came to visit us last winter}. We dropped Kenley off at my mom's for her first away-from-home sleepover and were on the road for the 3.5 hour drive to Okoboji, Iowa. Billy's grandma has a beautiful home right on the lake and was kind enough to let us "kids" take over the place. It was an incredible day filled with boating, sunshine, some rain, a LOT of drinks, a LOT of food, a couple of restaurants, old inside jokes and new inside jokes, some man love, TEQUILA, serious boat chicks, night floating, dance parties, fireworks, great friends, new memories and laughing until we got cramps in our sides. 
It's crazy to think we randomly met a couple on our honeymoon who live just one state over and are so similar to us. We have so much fun with Billy & Jackie and wish we could see them more often.

Sunday we took a morning boat ride with Billy & Jackie before saying our sad goodbyes. The we were back on the road home to Minnesota. On our drive, we made a pit stop in my dad's hometown to visit my grandpa Donald's grave. 

We made it home safely around 3pm and after picking up Kenley it was time to kick our butt's into gear to get ready for my Mother-in-Law's birthday! We had Jason's family over to our pool for a birthday BBQ. It was wonderful having the family together to celebrate Judye and have a little pool time as well. 
Jason - we have got to work on that farmer's tan! 

By 8:30 last night all three of us were in bed and out cold. 

It was an incredible weekend and I am super mopey this morning as a result, even still, I'm linking up with Sami for Weekend Shenanigans! 
Sami's Shenanigans


  1. Looks like a fun & eventful weekend. That's great you made great friends on your HM & still are able to meet up!!!

  2. Sounds like an awesome weekend! :)

  3. That's so great that you met a couple and have stayed in touch AND reunited- So much fun!!!

  4. Sounds like a great weekend!!

  5. Uhhhh YEAH I'd SAY you guys were BUSY this weekend!!

    First off, the wedding horse race is SUUUUCH a cute and fun idea!!

    Your weekend on the boat with friends sounds just as crazy as it should be. FUN!!

    And omigosh. We are in bed by 830 on nights/weekends when we have NOTHING planned LOL! WHAT a busy weekend!

  6. Holy crap lady, busy is an understatement! Hopefully you had the chance to catch your breath today :)

  7. im a little late, but just catching up! i remember reading about your honeymoon and you guys having so much fun with your just-met vaca friends. i love that you guys have been able to keep in touch and are even able to meet up! that's true friendship and something that was for sure meant to be!

    what a fun & busy weekend- i'd be sad it's over too!!


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