Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Sweet Sixteen

Today my baby sister turns SIXTEEN! 

I was exactly 12 1/2 when she was born (I'm 12/12 and she's 6/12) and I just can't believe that is has been 16 years since my dad called me and told me I had a little sister. 
Being your big sissy by 12 years allows me to remember the day you were born, and be able to remember watching you grow up. You were such a crazy little spaz child and not much has changed. Even though you're still sassy and still have more energy than anyone I've met, you are turning into so such an incredibly smart, talented and beautiful younhg woman right before my eyes. You are a wonderful baby sister and fantastic Auntie, Kenley already adores you and I couldn't be more proud to be your big sister. 

Happy SWEET SIXTEEN My Boodgie!
I love you! 


  1. Aww! Happy Birthday to your sister! 16 is such a fun age, can't believe it's already been five years since my 16th O.o.

  2. Ahhh love this happy birthday to your sister!!!!

    and sweet sixteen!! :) she is beeautiful!


  3. Great photos! Happy birthday to her! Wow she is one great dancer!!

  4. Happy Birthday to her! That would be fun to have a sister that age :). She looks like a wonderful dancer!

  5. she is BEAUTIFUL! and i love her dance skills!
    happy sweet 16 to her!

  6. dang! she could make quite the yogi!!

  7. Happy birthday Kurrrrrrrrrrrrra! :) :) :)

  8. awe! happy belated sweet 16 to your sissy!


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