Friday, June 14, 2013

My Friend's a Big Deal

Happy Friday lovers!!!! 
I am SO pumped for this weekend...not just because it's the weekend and that means NO work and not because it's Jason's first Father's Day (even though I'm super excited about that too) but because this Sunday is the Miss USA pageant. 

I've always been a fan of watching the shows and think it's super fun to cheer on your state, guess the winner and make fun of the bad ones...because you know there's always some bad ones. 

Anyways, this year I am especially excited because one of my REAL LIFE FRIENDS is competing in the pageant! 

Can you even stand it?!?!

Chrissy is a friend from college and the two of us had quite a bit of fun back in the glory days!

But since graduating, she's moved back to her home state of Wisconsin and oh ya know WON Miss Wisconsin! 
Is she not the most gorgie girl ever? It's gross. 

As the winner of Miss Wisconsin, Chrissy gets to represent her state in the Miss USA pageant this weekend! 
Click HERE to see her profile and VOTE for her! Do it! PLEASE!

I have had so much fun keeping up to date with Chrissy and getting a behind-the-scenes look at all the pageant events through her Instagram!
Can you even imagine how crazy that is? She has been in Vegas for two weeks already and is going NON-STOP! 

I am just SO excited for and proud of Chrissy. She is a stunningly gorgeous girl on the inside and the out and she totally deserves this. So make sure you all watch the pageant this weekend and cheer for Miss Wisconsin!



  1. UMM AMAZING and she is gorgie!

    Goooooooooooo Wisconsin!!!


  2. Oh HOW fun!! My college roomie at KU is a HUGE pageant girl and was runner up for Miss South Dakota two years in a row before she officially retired. It was fun to keep up with her escapades for sure :-)

    Happy Friday and Happy Fathers Day to Jason!!

  3. I can only imagine what you have planned for Jason's first father day! Enjoy the weekend.

    Your friend is gorgeous and she reminds me of Jana Kramer

  4. She is beautiful! It's so fun to watch actually knowing one of the contestants-- how exciting!


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