Monday, June 17, 2013

Weekend Recap : Relaxation, A Grad Party & Father's Day

We had a wonderful weekend but sadly there has been a dark cloud over our heads recently. Jason's best friend Colin and his wife Sharisse were due to have their second baby next week. This past Wednesday, Sharisse went to the doctor and they were unable to find a heartbeat.  Early Thursday morning God's littlest angel, Marlie Marie, was born. As you can imagine, this has been a devastating time for our dear friends and for all of us who love them. I know that any extra prayers that you may have for their family would be greatly appreciated. 

Although our hearts are broken, this weekend was filled with lots of love and some fun too. 

We finally had some consistently nice weather in Minnesota and Kenley and I took full advantage. We  started our weekend with a super long walk..almost 5 miles! And then spent Friday at the pool with my mom {I know, big shocker}.
Friday night Jason and I just did nothing. Absolutely nothing. We probably should have done laundry or cleaned up but we just hung out with a drink and watched Arrested FUNNY is that show?

Saturday morning I got a massage, which was one of the best massages I've ever gotten. Since being pregnant my back as been so sore and she was really able to loosen some of that tension. That afternoon Jason and I spent some time with Colin and Sharisse. It was really hard but also really great to see them.

 Then, Saturday evening we celebrated my cousin's high school graduation at her grad party! Caitlin is headed off to the University of Wisconsin this fall and we are all so proud of her!

Sunday was Jason's first Father's Day! Kenley and I surprised him with tickets to the Twins game and a pre-game meal at our favorite restaurant Runyons! But, once we got to Runyons, there was one more surprise....we were spending the day with Jake and Carolyn! It was a GORGEOUS day and we had a blast. Kenley did surprisingly well and even got a certificate for being at her first game.

 We also ran in to our friends Christina & Aaron, which is always a blast!

After the game we went to my dad's for dinner. He grilled up some ribs and corn on the cobb and my step-mom made a delicious strawberry and avocado salad.
After dinner we watched the Miss USA pageant and cheered on my friend Chrissy! Chrissy didn't make it past the first round but she looked absolutely GORGEOUS and it was so fun to spot her throughout the show. I do have to say though, the best part was Utah's interview. We were laughing so hard we had to rewind it and watch it little sister does an INCREDIBLE impression of her.
Watch it here, if you haven't seen it yet: 

I hope you all had great weekends as well. 
Here's to another work week!

Linking up with Sami
Sami's Shenanigans


  1. YAY FOR OUR SURPRISE WORKING! :) Happy Monday beeb!

  2. Ohhh Miss Utah. Poor thing. That was awful. On a better note, I love the family picture with the certificate - you have such a beautiful family Kristin!!

    My heart goes out to Colin & Sharisse, there are no words for how heart breaking that is.

  3. oh how devastating for your friends. My thoughts and prayers are with them.

    haha..I had no idea they gave out certificates for your first game - too cute!!

    Happy belated Father's Day to Jason. So glad you and Carolyn were able to surprise them on their special day!

  4. Sounds like you guys had a blast!!

  5. What a fun weekend celebrating with so many great people! Glad Kenley did great at her first game :)

    I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's loss though... I'll def keep them in my prayers, that is so heart-breaking.

  6. lol at miss utah! I'm considering making my way into the canadian pageant world and I find this hilarious. So sorry about your friend's loss, I will keep them in my prayers

  7. What a fun weekend and good job pulling off that surprise too! I'm so sorry to hear about your friends and their terrible loss. I can't even begin to imagine...

  8. So sorry to hear about your friends baby :( I have 2 friends who went thru that in the past couple of months.
    Kenley is ADORABLE!!! Hope your hubby had a great first father's day :)

  9. That is so sad about your friends loss :( Sending along thoughts of sympathy !

  10. i LOVE seeing babies in pools! always so happy. i die.
    love your glasses too mama! glad you had a great weekend!

  11. I am sorry to hear about your friends, I honestly cannot even imagine how that must feel. Sending lots of love.

    Miss Kenley is so dang cute in her hat and sunnies! Loving that you and Carolyn planned a surprise together! Looks like a blast :)

  12. i am so sorry to hear about your friends and their baby :(

    i am so jealous of all your pool time! my parents dont even have their pool ready yet, worst spring ever!

    i love the 1st gamer certificate and the way kenley is holding your face, too sweet!

    and those polka dot shades, i need me a pair of those!? target???

  13. the pic of her in the pool is to die for!!!

  14. These pics of her at the game are so darn cute!


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