Monday, July 15, 2013


Another fantastic weekend has come and gone and once again Monday rears it's ugly head.

We had a nice lower key weekend which was much needed after the past crazy weekends we've had. Friday I spent the day trying to cross things off of my Big. Fat. Checklist and Friday night we went over to my brother's for a BBQ.

Saturday I cleaned the house like a mad woman and then spent the evening with some of my all time favorite people. My friend Alex is getting married this August in Colombia {where his fiance is from} and on Saturday his parents hosted a fabulous party for everyone who isn't able to make the wedding. My friend Pat was in town from D.C. and we all had an incredible time! I love these boys so much and just wish they lived closer. It was a bittersweet night because I was so happy to have my friends home and celebrate Alex & Lina but I felt so very sad that I won't be there to see my friend get married.

Sunday I did nothing and it was glorious. It was Jason's turn to get up with the peanut so I got to sleep in and I didn't leave the house the whole day. Jason golfed in the afternoon and I hung out with my baby girl. It was so nice to have a day of absolute nothingness.

I hope you all had fabulous weekends!

As always, I am linking up with the adorable Sami and you should too!
Sami's Shenanigans


  1. Nothingness is awesome!

    Your kid is so cute...i know I say it all the time but it's true!

  2. I love that you guys take turns getting up with her on the weekend.... need to remember that :)

  3. I did nothing too this weekend! Love Miss Kenley! She is just so photogenic :)

  4. Glad you had a great weekend! That picture of your little girl with the towel is absolutely adorable!


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