Tuesday, December 31, 2013

NYE Giveaway!


Here's what you do:
1. Write a post about ANYTHING baby {or pregnancy} related.
2. Add my button to your post.
3. Link your post with the link-up tool found at the end of all of my posts.

I'm mixing up today's Baby Talk with a fun little giveaway!

Another year has come and gone in the blink of an eye. I think New Years is sort of a bittersweet holiday, it's sad saying goodbye to a year filled with memories but is also exciting welcoming a new year filled with so much promise. Overall, 2013 was a great year! We went to weddings, welcomed babies, went on a couple of vacations, had tons of fun and experienced lots of big milestones with our daughter. 2013 also came with it's fair share of challenges and I'm anxious to use what I've learned in 2013 to make 2014 the best year yet!

One highlight of 2013 for me was the revamp of this blog. It was no secret that I was completely uninspired, wasn't loving to blog and was about ready to just throw in the towel. I am so happy that I got through my funk, got a spark of inspiration, and am back to absolutely LOVING this blog again.

My favorite thing about blogging is connecting with people. Especially now that I'm a mom, I absolutely love to get all of your ideas and opinions and read your stories. It's such an amazing community of support and I am grateful to be a part of it.

I wanted to do something special for my readers, since you're the reason I'm still here and still loving this blog. SO, to say farewell to 2013 and welcome in 2014, I am giving away a little gift box of my favorite things as a thank you! Thank you for reading, thank you for following, thank you for commenting and thank you for inspiring me to continue to do something I really love!

So, here's what one of you lucky ladies {or gentleman} will win....
*Smashbox Makeup Bag perfect for your purse!
*Smashbox "Try It" Kit which includes samples of Photo Finish Foundation Primer, Photo Finish Lid Primer, Lip Enhancing Gloss in Illume, Full Exposure Mascara, Limitless Eye Liner in Onyx}
*$5 Starbucks gift card, enjoy your favorite drink on me!
*Comfy pink socks, which I pretty much live in all winter long
*Yes to Cucumbers face wipes, perfect for lazy girls like me who don't like to wash their face
*A pack of 5 gum, the best gum there is
*Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Minis, have you tried these?! So frickin good!
*Aromi Lipstick in Merlot, I'm obsessed with this lipstick! 

All you need to do is use this fancy little tool below to enter & I will announce a winner on Friday! 


  1. I am looking forward to meeting my little girl in 2014!

  2. Thank you for doing the link ups every week, I really enjoy them!


  3. I'm looking forward to seeing the new adventures that come my way with my new husband. Being a newlywed is fun!

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  4. So fun! I am so glad you decided to revamp the blog also and fall in love with it all over again. Now if I could just find the time to actually blog...seriously, when does life slow down?!!?

  5. Can't wait for 2014-- the year of Baby Danger :)

  6. I'm looking forward to having my baby!!!

    Happy New Year!!

  7. I'm trying to be more of a grown up and thus- trying to use more "real" makeup. sooooooooo HALP ME OUT.

    Oh and HAPPY NEW YEAR! It's been so fun watching Kenley grow- she's so adorable. :)

  8. shit I did the comment wrong: I'm mostly looking forward to it being a quiet year, overall. (in terms of health drama). anddd going to PARIS in March. Wee!

  9. Love this! :) I'm most excited to watch little Weston become a KID instead of a baby! BAH!

  10. I'm so excited to BECOME DEBT FREE in 2014!!!!!!!!! :)

  11. Love, love, love the blog revamp!! Here's to a fabulous 2014!!

  12. I'm looking forward to watching Madelyn grow. The first 11 months have been fun but now that she's moving, talking and exploring more I feel like the real fun is just beginning!

  13. There's too many things to look forward to - I couldn't possibly pick just one! For now, let's go with watching Abbie grow!

  14. I'm looking forward to following you yet again for ANOTHER year and seeing miss Kenley grow and grow! :) and hopefully winning this package. haha love ya!

  15. I am looking forward to a more relaxing year with fewer plans and more time spent with family and friends!

  16. I'm most looking forward to my husband finishing his master's program. I'll still be in grad school but at least he'll have more free time :)

  17. Looking forward to another year with great friends and family....and not stressing about everything all the time! :) Happy New Year!

  18. I'm looking forward to having my business hopefully take off, going on another vacation, becoming debt free, and hopefully start the first stages of buying/building a house.

  19. Wedding planning will be my favorite part of 2014! I just got engaged ;)

  20. I'm looking forward to being a mom in 2014

  21. im so excited to watch C grow and find himself!! of course i wouldn't mind being pregnant again either! happy new year gf!

  22. I'm looking forward to a big trip this summer!! :)

  23. I'm looking forward to more family time in 2014!

  24. I'm looking forward to new adventures with my little family. :)

  25. I'm really looking forward to our annual summer trip home! It's the only time I get to see family.

  26. I don't know how to completely feel about this so I'd like some input from all the mamas out there! I have a son who just turned 18. I am married (not to his dad) and have a wonderful, supportive husband with no kids. I'm 34 (yes, I had my son young) but I'm at a good point in my life (great career, homeowner, landlord) and I am seriously considering having a baby with my husband as he wants kids and I am not against it at all. My OB said I'm healthy and should not have a hard time conceiving (on IUD presently) but I have mixed feelings about such a huge age gap between my son and potential future child. What do you all think? I am super scared about having a child at this age because, as you all know, the older you get, the risk factor for your baby having Downs Syndrome (or any other birth defect for that matter) goes up. Because of my age, that scares the crap out of me. Please be honest as I will not be offended by any comments. I'd just like to know what you all think. BTW, Kristin, Miss Kenley is just tooooo cute!!!

  27. Just excited for the new opportunities to come. Looking forward to getting more school done, and becoming more healthy!

  28. I'm looking forward to growing my design business :) Thanks for the giveaway and happy new year!

  29. For 2014, I'm looking forward to fully transitioning into my new job!

  30. I'm looking forward to a fresh start would be the typical thing to say, right? It's true - but I'm also looking forward to a custody battle ending! (Taboo to talk about...but oh well ;)

  31. Fun giveaway!! Looking forward to growing with baby Will!

  32. Looking forward to meeting our new baby! :)

  33. Honestly? I'm having a really hard time letting go of 2013! But I'm definitely looking forward to spending more days with Mia :)
    I've decided that next year we are totally planning a vacation in January to help me move past the holiday (and Mia's birthday) blues, ha ha!!

  34. Looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones in 2014!

  35. Looking forward to trying a little harder to be better in the new year. Just a little better at everything I do!

  36. Great giveaway! Looking forward to a much calmer year. 2013 was a doozey! :)

  37. I am most looking forward to meeting my little girl who is due to arrive next month!

  38. I'm looking forward to taking better care of myself this year and savory go every moment with my baby girl.


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