Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Work B*word

Happy New Years Day -and- Happy 2014! 

As I nurse my champagne headache and write my list of resolutions I am realizing there's a lot I'd like to change or accomplish in this brand new year....keep the house clean, lose weight, save money, get healthy, start the steps to saving for/buying a house, advance in my career, grow my blog, plan a trip to Mexico, and go to church more are just a FEW of the resolutions topping this year's list. 

Coincidentally, as I write this list the voice of my all time favorite superstar comes through the speakers and gives me the ultimate New Years Resolution.... "WORK B*WORD"

Please press play to really set the tone:

In the words of BritBrit, "You wanna lamborgini, sip martinis, look hot in a bikini, you better work b*word. You wanna live fancy, live in a big mansion, party in France, you better work b*word, now get to work b*word."
Since there is so much I want to do this year, I have decided that 2014's resolution is to WORK. More than ever I want to take the time, effort and dedication to accomplish my goals. Am I going to reach every single goal I have? Probably not. BUT, I do really want to take the steps necessary and put in the work to get myself closer to all the things I really want in life. So instead of creating a daunting list of resolutions, I am going to jot down ideas and plans to help me get closer to all of my goals and maybe even reach some of them! Thanks Britney. 

What are your New Years resolutions?


  1. I never make "resolutions" I like to make goals and do my best to achieve them. I find that my goals are always evolving as we all are in life so it only makes sense to me! Work for it momma!

    Happy New Year!

  2. I love this! And I love Brit. This song is perfect :)

  3. So true, and I feel like so many of us are at this point in our lives to work for all the things we want!

  4. Please tell me you're going to see Brit Brit when you go to Vegas! I saw your post on fb and since I myself have never been there I didn't have any advise, aside from the fact that I'm hoping to plan a trip there soon just to see her show! :) HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  5. I love making goals!!! I just blogged about them today! Love that Brit brit song :)

  6. That's our girl... brit... always pulling through in a time of need!!! ;) great list, now get to work!

  7. I LOVE your resolution - and I love that song, too:) I've contemplated creating a "word" versus resolutions, too. I think I'm leaning towards "balance" for mine.

  8. I LOVE your resolution - and I love that song, too:) I've contemplated creating a "word" versus resolutions, too. I think I'm leaning towards "balance" for mine.


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