Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Black & Yellow

Depending on how long you've been following along, you may or may not know that this blog was formerly called Busy Bee. You also may or may not know that Jason and I used to own a coffee shop called Coffee Buzz. If you follow me on Pinterest, you may or may not have seen my Bee Happy board dedicated to all things Bumble Bee

Are you catching on?

Yes, it's true, I love bees. I'm not exactly sure where the love for bees came from but I think it had something to do with the fact that my high school mascot was a Hornet and my high school guidance counselor (who I love and is a close family friend) was named Mrs. B and I used to draw her little bee pictures of bees dressed up in different outfits. OK, that made me sound crazy but I honestly think that's where the obsession stemmed from.

Anyways, the love for bees has evolved into a love for the color palette of black, yellow, gray and white. If you don't believe me...take a look at Kenley's nursery

So last week my mom was in town and watched Kenley during the day while she was home. One of the days Kenley got to go on a Yia Yia & Mou shopping trip where her Yia Yia spoiled her pretty good. My mom knows of my love for Baby Gap and God love her always picks up some little treats from there. So I get home and look through the Gap bag and am pretty giddy with excitement. Either my mom shares my love for the color palette or knows me too well {I'm thinking it's actually both} because here was what was in the bag....
black and yello
Seriously, I can't handle it. {thanks mom! ♥}

So then over the weekend I was perusing Baby Gap's website, because I do that quite often and daydream of the adorable outfits I want to dress my daughter in and found that they have a TON of black, white, gray and yellow clothing this season. It's seriously making me want to dress Kenley in ONLY those colors this Spring {would that be weird?} Just LOOK at some of the other ensembles I could put together: 
Oh Baby Gap, why must you do this to me? If only I could stumble across a couple hundred extra dollars and if Minnesota could just forget winter and hop right to spring, my Kenley would be the best dressed bumble bee on the block. 


  1. Just followed you on pinterst!! I love your BEE board and how awesome that you used to have a coffee shop!!

  2. Her nursery is adorable!! I love the color pallette!! And her new clothes? The cutest!!! Lex needs a shopping spree with her grandma too apparently :)

  3. Aww, I hold a special place in my heart for bee's, too!! My brother is a beekeeper, so that might have something to do with it.

    Kenley's nursery is adorable. I don't think I've seen a full shot of it before.

  4. I love how you love bees and the color combination. Those outfits are so cute, Kenley will look super adorable in them!

  5. Hahaha, every one of those outfits is SO you. And so adorable. I may need a few for Abbie...

  6. Watch out she is going to be a trendsetter!!! Why do kids clothes have to be soo damn cute! Why can't ours?? Lol.
    Love the nursery!!

  7. I seriously got so giddy when I walked into Baby Gap the other day and saw the windows filled with yellow, white, gray and black too! Unfortunately most of it was for little girls, but still oh so cute! I am also a big fan of that color pallette - Cruz's nursery colors are the exact same as K's (actually I think the wall color is exactly the same!) and our wedding colors were yellow, black and white. My fave color is yellow (blog title anyone?) and I just think that color is so happy and fun! =)

  8. oh for cute! kenley is going to be so stinking cute... oh wait! she already is!

  9. oh for cute! kenley is going to be so stinking cute... oh wait! she already is!

  10. Ohhhh my gosh I am legit melting over those outfits!! Every single one!!

  11. I am also freaking out about some of the Baby Gap items available right now. I mean, they have an entire line based off of Paddington Bear. Have you seen it? SOOOO cute!!!

  12. that is such a cute nursery!! You did a great job putting it together! And, yellow and black are such happy colors together :)

  13. Oh my goodness that nursery is so adorable! I'm working on mine now and I'm totally using this for inspiration! Those outfits are too cute as well. :-)

  14. haha she would definitely be the cutest bumble bee ever!

  15. ADORABLE! Great job with the nursery. It looks perfectly balanced. I also have a love for bumble bees. I even took a beekeeping class...mostly to get free honey. :)


  16. These are very interesting facts covered on this blog.silks saree

  17. I just love Kenley's room! I remember trying to guess her name when you posted pics :)

  18. Kenley will be the most stylish little lady in all of Minnesota, for sure!!

  19. I love my Mou time particularly shopping with her. What a good sense of style Kenny has already! xo m

  20. Oh my goodness...the nursery is sooooo cute! Hahah I did see the black and yellow goodies at the gap...they have the cutest yellow shoes...muuuusttt get them!


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