Tuesday, January 28, 2014

What I'd Do Different


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They say hindsight is 20/20 and looking back at Kenley's first year there really isn't a whole lot I would change. I am so proud of my daughter and proud of the job Jason and I are doing with her. Now that Kenley is over a year old, it's fun to think about what life would be like with a teeny baby around again. I am NOWHERE near ready to add another member to our family, but it is fun to daydream. 

If we are so lucky to be blessed with bambino numero dos someday, there are some things I would do differently based on what I've learned this first time around. 

1. Keep my mouth shut. It was near impossible not to tell people I was pregnant because it was such a shock with Kenley. I think sharing that big secret with just the baby daddy is really fun. You two are the only ones to know for such a short time, that next time around I think I'd like to keep it just between us a little longer. 

2. Save some damn money. This was definitely a plan while I was pregnant with Kenley, but a plan that did not pan out. For #2 I'd like to have a cushion in the bank allowing me to take a longer maternity leave. 

3. Spend more money on maternity clothes. I realize this pretty much goes against the previous point, but the first time around I bought just the bare minimum. I really didn't want to spend money on maternity clothes but I spent most of my pregnancy not feeling cute. I think there's a lot to be said about feeling cute while you have a watermelon budging from your midsection, so next time I will allow myself to splurge a little more. 

4. Take professional hospital photos. I see posts like THIS ONE and it makes me sad that we didn't do a better job of taking photos in the hospital. With #2 I definitely want to have my buddy Sara Jayne visit us with her camera to get some good hospital photos. 

5. Don't get frickin' Bells Palsy. The first few weeks of Kenley's life were so hard on me, mainly because half of my face was frozen in place. I know this is completely out of my control, but I really don't want to deal with that again. I think that taking better care of myself before and during my pregnancy will help with an easier recovery.

6. Don't stress about breastfeeding. With Kenley it was all a learning process. It was new, it was scary and it was hard. I really loved breastfeeding {once I got the hang of it} and was devastated when I dried up, but looking back I just laugh. I know now that the timing was perfect and deep down I was ready to be finished. It's such a commitment and you spend so much of your day with your boobs out. Next time I will strive for the 6 month mark again but I will know that when it's time to stop it means getting my body {and really my life} back and I'll be OK with it.

I asked my sponsors the same question..."What would you do next time around?" They are all at different stages in their parenting journey so it was fun to hear the answers: 

Carolyn from life, love & puppy prints said:

 "My next pregnancy I want to do a better job of taking care of myself. That will definitely be more difficult now that we have Weston, but I'd love to do more yoga, go for more walks, eat better, relax more...I was so busy trying to stay "normal" that I didn't allow myself time to rest and just put my feet up. Weston is such an awesome baby, and I think that Jake and I are doing a pretty great job with him, so it's a little hard to think of things I'd like to do differently. One thing I'd like to make sure to do is to have more time at home with just Jake and I after the baby is born. Because of my long labor, Jake couldn't take very much time off of work. I would really like spending time at home with just OUR family, bonding and creating special memories."

Sara from Sara Jayne Photography said:

"I am currently 32 weeks preggo and looking back on pregnancy so far, one of the biggest things I wish I would have done more religiously is taking bump photos every week, rather than photos randomly every 4-6 weeks."

Celeste from Our Fabulous Life in the Suburbs said:
"Wow...that's a tough one! Hopefully with #2 I'll be able to relax a little more and not worry about every little thing. Also, probably won't buy every single baby item that I've ever heard of...babies need surprisingly little to survive!"

Sarah from Making Babies the Bennett Way said:
If we are blessed with another child, fingers crossed we will be since we have 3 embryos remaining which would mean Madelyn and her brother or sister would be biological siblings, I would definitely change how we put the child down for a nap and sleep in general. We got into a horrible habit of holding Madelyn in our arms when she took naps which has resulted in her taking very short (15-30 minute) naps in her crib. If we hold her she would sleep for an hour or two easily. I should note, she sleeps just find in her crib at night bit there's something about nap times. I'd also "sleep train" her so she could herself to sleep and back to sleep at night. The majority of the time she is able to put herself back to sleep at night but there are some nights when she can't. So any advice anyone has to help with this would be welcomed. :)"

Michele from Baby Bump Bundle said:
"No, I have never had a bun in the oven (yet!) but there are tons of things that I want to do when the time comes! Staying active during pregnancy so I bounce back to my old body in a healthy and quick manner, taking classes and signing up for mom groups but not getting bogged down with too many books and googling everything under the sun, and taking lots of bump pics and keeping a journal of how I am feeling so I can look back at it, are all on my to-do list. I also want to buy just the necessities and items that can be used for years to come, that convert including the "big ticket" pricey items like the stroller, high chair, and crib so I can save money and space! But of course during pregnancy, I believe in pampering the pregnant mom (hence starting my company Baby Bump Bundle) so I am excited to use all the beauty and bath products, fashion accessories and goodies I have in stock from my small biz"

Erica from Charlie Cheeks Vinyl said:
When it comes time for the next baby I would try to breastfeed longer. We only went 5 months with my son because after going back to work, he was getting used to the bottle and preferring that. So I at least wish I wasn't too embarrassed to pump at work, that would have at least helped to keep my supply up. Better luck next time."

Jess from Being Mrs. Beer said:
"When I think about I'd do differently, the main thing that comes to mind is breastfeeding. I wanted to make it much longer than I did and hated that I had to supplement so early on. I really struggled with supply and I didn't respond well to the pump. I think next time, I'll use a different brand of pump or possibly even rent one from the hospital...and I plan on pumping as soon as I can to get supply established. I'm hoping to breastfeed number 2 (when I get there!) for much longer than my first!

What would you do different the next time around?


  1. What a fun post. As a non prego/mama it's neat to see what people would do differently. Thanks for sharing!

    And for letting me link up today :)

  2. Yes on #4! Didn't even think of that. But there is only 1 picture of my son and I and I wish there were more. I guess I just got swept up in the moments and totally forgot.

  3. I love this post, so many good things to think about! How soon did you tell people you were pregnant? I feel like I'll want to tell the world the day I find out haha! Also, I think splurging on a few cute maternity outfits sounds PERFECT ;)

  4. I definitely plan on taking more pictures in the hospital this time. We didn't take one picture of the 3 of us in the hospital until we were leaving and you can't even see Hayden in his carseat. This still makes me sick to this day!

  5. We plan on taking a lot of the hospital photos ourselves (but photography is a hobby of mine). I bought a lot of used maternity clothes and didn't end wearing some of it! Opps!! Some of it also never ended up fitting (too big). But I learned you don't have to spend a lot to buy stuff new either if you watch for sales!!

  6. As a Mom to be I love that you posted about this today! I do not want to spend boat loads of money on maternity clothes but I definitely want to feel cute especially on the weekends when MBT and I are out and about doing things. Thanks for sharing!

  7. This was a super cute post that has left me with a lot of food for thought. I'm going to start thinking about what I would do differently the next time around. Loved reading everyone's thoughts :)

  8. This is an awesome post! I can relate to so many of the things you talked about - especially the breastfeeding! :)

    I just happened to find your blog today, and I am so glad that I did! I'm your newest follower - can't wait to read more :)


  9. I wish we had a photographer in the hospital, too. There ended up being a few factors that I wasn't ready for that made it so that taking pictures became secondary and I wish I had someone else there to capture those moments because they were so, so special.

  10. Loving this topic and have been thinking about the same things. It's fun to look back and I think the next time around will be a little easier-- because I have been through it before. I want the photography at the hospital too. Getting out of the house for newborn pictures was too much when she was so little-- learning to breastfeed, trying to look cute, packing her up, hormones. I will also set more boundaries as far as guests coming over to see the baby,etc. I really don't want company for at least the first month. Also, I will allow myself more grace-- losing weight, taking things day by day, finding a way to get more sleep, letting the house be messy. Cute maternity clothes are a MUST! =)

  11. Love this post, I agree with you on many of your ideas! My biggest regret is no hospital photos, I definitely plan to do that with baby #2!


  12. Love this post - the photography at the hospital is such an amazing idea! That is something we didn't do a good job of and I'm bummed I don't have more pics of that special day.

  13. My biggest regret thus far was calling all the family and friends right after Colin was born. It would have been nice to have some alone time with him before all the troops came to the hospital. When I got to my post-partum room, there were 15 anxious family and friends waiting! I was beyond exhausted and could have used a little more down time before rallying to 'entertain' the masses AND a little more alone time with my new baby! For sure next time, I won't call/text everyone right away.

  14. Oh my gosh, I am SO with you on the maternity clothing. I tried my best to avoid buying maternity clothes, and like you, just felt halfway put together most of the time. Next time around, I will definitely be investing in some better, cuter maternity clothing. It's a must!

  15. I loved this post and was so interested to see what everyone had to say. I would definitely do change Ellie's nap/sleep too like one of your sponsors said. Ellie will sleep so much longer if we hold her so that's what I did and it's totally bit me in the butt!

  16. this was so fun reading what so many other moms would do different (in one spot!) there are FOR SURE some things that i would think about doing a little different if another baby comes around for us :)

  17. Oh, gosh....I would do so many things differently, but that's how we learn, right? We did have a professional photographer for Cameron's birth and it is one thing I WILL do again...those pictures are priceless.

  18. Oh my gosh.... #'s 3 and 4? A-freakin-MEN!! 2 of my biggest regrets. I wore my normal pants until 30 weeks. THIRTY WEEKS! When I finally wore maternity pants (I only bought 2 pairs) I was kicking myself the rest of my pregnancy for waiting so long.
    I'm going to try to keep the secret when it's time for our next baby until we find out the gender. My dr makes me wait until 20 weeks though... so we'll see if I can hold out!
    I'd love to say I won't stress about nursing the next time around, but I totally will. That was the most stressful thing of my life! Even though Mia was so good at it, and I'm still nursing (weaning) because it's so easy with her. But if my next baby has a hard time ON TOP of my crazy hormones? Eric will send me to the hospital until I get my head on straight, ha. But seriously.


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