Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Baby Boy Style


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I am home from work today, hanging with my baby girl, as I just flew back from Vegas late last night. I am SO pumped to share my trip with you all - holy moly. But as I recover, who better to babysit my blog than my Beeb? She's here today to share her tips for styling a baby boy - and as you'll see from the photos of my "nephew" Weston, she knows what she's doing!

Hi there! I'm Carolyn, and I blog over at Life, Love & Puppy Prints!
life love and puppy prints
 I'm taking over Baby Talk today since Kristin is recovering from her adventure with Britney Spears in Vegas. (Don't get too attached Brit Brit - she's my Beeb!) Anyway... thanks for having me!


Having a baby boy is so much fun. Sure... tutus and pink is great, but there's something about little boy outfits that makes my heart melt. I've been dressing Weston for 5 months now, and I feel like I've learned a thing or two about dressing baby boys. 

Here are some of my "must do" items for dressing boys:

1. tennis shoe socks
Putting shoes on babies is pretty much impossible, and pretty pointless since they don't walk yet. The perfect solution are tennis shoe socks. They are so much cuter than the basic white socks, and absolutely "finish" an outfit! Weston has these in so many colors... I love them!

2. bow ties & vests
When your baby boy needs to dress up for a special occasion... there's nothing cuter than a baby bow tie and vest. There are onesies with ties, vests and suspenders printed right on them that are absolutely adorable, or you can go all the way with real ties, suspenders and vests. They're all great options - you can't go wrong with a dressed up baby boy!

3. track suits
As much as I love the ties and vests, my number one rule for baby clothes is that they need to be comfy. What's more comfy than a track suit? NOT MUCH! All the sports brands make them, and they're all absolutely precious. Pair them with those tennis shoe socks and you've got a perfect outfit!

4. mini dad outfits
I LOVE when people dress baby boys in outfits that are like their daddy's outfits. Jake is a jeans and polo kind of guy, so every time I see a baby polo I melt. I haven't gone so far as to buy them matching polos, but I can't promise that I won't someday!

5. holiday attire
It's my firm belief that babies should be dressed festively for every holiday. When you're an adult, rocking those santa pjs all day isn't acceptable, so babies should enjoy it while they can! Plus - the adorable photo opps are pretty perfect. 

6. sports team gear
We're huge Twins fans in our household, so it was pretty much a given that Weston would be rocking the blue and red, but he also loves cheering on NDSU in green and gold! Baby sports gear is perfect on boy and girl babies... but the thermal sleeves and mini jerseys for boys melt my heart!

7. "mommy is my favorite" shirts
I'm not trying to make Weston a mama's boy, but it's true - I am his favorite. I mean without me, he wouldn't have lunch. :) But seriously... I LOVE putting him in outfits that talk about how much he loves me. The "I love daddy/grandma/grandpa/auntie" shirts are pretty cute too I guess. 


Now I want to hear from you! What are your favorite things to dress your babies in?? Boys or girls! Share away!



  1. Hey Carolyn, I love your style for Weston and love that he always looks so darn happy! Such a handsome little man :)

    My style with Madelyn is cute, comfy and affordable. Kids clothes can be so gosh darn expensive and when they only wear things for a few months I have a hard time justifying the cost. Although for special occasions and holidays I'll splurge :)

  2. awww LOVE this!!! i have absolutely LOVED dressing a little girl. it's so much fun. Weston is adorable!!!

    I don't see the link up tool? Is it there or am I just blind? I'd love to link up!

  3. What a cutie!!

    PS your linkup tool isn't there :)

  4. Ummmm soooooooooooooooo cute! Love all the pictures and the "with out me he wouldn't have lunch" HAHAHA!


  5. welcome home!!! and he is SO CUTE. seriously. . . SO CUTE!!

  6. My children will be rocking SO much Bengals gear it won't even be normal ;) Boy or girl, they will have a wardrobe full of black and orange ... that I may have already started, lol!

  7. Weston- you are simply adorable!

  8. Love it! Except for the bowties and collared shirts, that's exactly how I dress my daughter. Tutu's and pink aren't in the closet. Maybe some hot pink...

  9. Weston is so adorable and Carolyn is one of my fav. bloggers! I can't believe he's 5 months already - I LOVE dressing my little girl and I so hope I have a little boy to dress one day too!

  10. As fellow Mama to a little man, I wholeheartedly agree with all of these!:)

  11. Awesome! i love this! can't wait till i have a baby so i can actually write something besides just being preggo :)

  12. hahaha "I love putting him in outfits that talk about how much he loves me" I can't even handle that. I'm actually not the biggest fan of the mommy shirts for girls but the shirts that say 'Daddy's girl' or 'I love Daddy'? I'm ALL over those!

    Besides the fact that Noelle ALWAYS has a bow on her head, I like to keep her outfits mostly practical. That's definitely one of the pluses about boy clothes. You do a fabulous job dressing that cutie!

  13. I am just getting back to blog world, so I will have to link up next time! So glad to find some good mama blogs :)


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