Monday, February 10, 2014

It's the Little Things

When Kenley was itty bitty she would snuggle on my chest for hours. I loved it so much and would often fall asleep with her little face pressed up against my skin. 
As she got older and squirmier the snuggling pretty much disappeared. In part, I am grateful because Kenley loves her crib and has always gone down easily without needing to be held. But the selfish part of me want to snuggle with my baby. Then, out of the blue, it happened. Jason and I were out late at a Timberwolves game and had to wake Kenley up to bring her home from Grandma and Grandpa's. She was so out of it when we got home, I changed her diaper and then she rested her little head on my should and FELL ASLEEP!
I love that she squints for the flash even in her sleep. 

I sat with her like this for at least half an hour and even contemplated just sleeping in the chair. I know these moments are few and far between and it won't be long before she's too big to fit in my lap. It's these little moments that make being a mom my most favorite thing in life. My love for this child is limitless and having even just 30 minutes to hold her and snuggle her means more to me than anything else in the entire world. 
Thank you Ashley for starting this wonderful link up to remind us mamas of the things that truly mean the most. 


  1. Abbie did this yesterday...for the first time since Memorial Day of last year. It was so cute, I about cried, and I napped with her. So sweet when they do this!

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  3. I can't remember the last time lex fell asleep on me!! Those long time baby snuggles are totally the best... And go away way too quick :(

  4. I die when Cam falls asleep on never happens unless he wakes up in the middle of the night, and we go on the couch together. I LOVE IT.

    What cute pictures. :)

  5. I just LOVE this link up!

    And yes...those snuggles never get old. Even when your "baby" is 6 years old.

  6. aww love this!! Evie actually fell asleep on me for the first time in 9 months!! I wanted it to last because like you said "These moments are far in between" :)

  7. BAH! Weston doesn't snuggle often either, so when he does, I make sure to soak it up! Jake will even say "he's snuggly - want him??" HAHAHA!

  8. This post brought tears to my eyes. Oh, those sweet, sweet moments. Caleb is almost 9 months old, and although he is still pretty snuggly, those sweet moments are fewer and farther between every day as he gets older. Makes my mama heart sad! But grateful for the moments when they do come all the same!

  9. so cute! love that you cherished the moment!

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  11. Love this!!! I think about this so much, I miss those snuggles!!!! Thanks for linking-up!!

  12. There's nothing better than snuggles. Aubrey has been extra needy and snuggly lately the needy part I can do without but I am more than happy to snuggle with her whenever I can.

  13. precious. I do this with Rocky and it makes my heart melt every single night it happens. I can only imagine it with a non fur baby haha

  14. precious. I do this with Rocky and it makes my heart melt every single night it happens. I can only imagine it with a non fur baby haha

  15. Seriously, one of the best things EVER! I love when our daughter falls asleep on me, although she's 2 now, so it doesn't happen often anymore! :o)


  16. Yesssss! This happened to me just last week and I was in HEAVEN! I almost peed my pants because I didn't want to put her down, ha!


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