Friday, February 7, 2014

Five on Friday


I'm jumping on the bandwagon and joining in on....

Depending on what time you are reading this I am either in the air or have recently arrived in LAS VEGAS! That's right folks I scored myself a little 4 day vacation with my mom and tonight we will be dancing our faces off to BRITNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY.CRAP.I'M.EXCITED.

While I have been counting down the minutes until this vacay, I have to say I'm a little sad. This will be the longest I've ever been away from my Kenley and I'm a little worried about how much I'm going to miss her. I feel like she won't even know who I am when I get home.
by Sara Jayne Photography

Sometime in between Thanksgiving and Christmas I had to buy myself new jeans because all of the jeans I had were too tight {so depressing}. Well, this past week I bought another new pair of jeans for my trip {from the same store} and they're TWO sizes smaller than the pair I bought less than two months ago! That is called PROGRESS people! I almost cried when I tried them on. You should probably just start calling me Jared.

Jimmy Choo has a monochromatic line of shoes and purses right now that have me completely drooling! These three gems would integrate into my wardrobe quite nicely!

I got a FitBit last week and am totally obsessed with it! I'm pumped to have it so I can clock my steps & miles in Vegas - hello, shopping is TOTALLY a work out! If you have one too, let's be friends!
You can check out my profile here ------>



  1. So jealous you get to see Brit Brit!!! Please tell me you're going to do a blog post about the show! Have a fantastic time. I'll be following you on fitbit cheering on those steps :)

  2. UGH! Have SOOOO much fun this weekend!! Kenley will welcome you back with open arms, don't you worry! ;)

  3. Ahhh! Have fun in VEGAS! There's no way I'll beat your steps this weekend with all that shopping you'll be doing...

  4. FitBits are amazing! I got one in July and have barely left home without it since!

  5. I'm SO excited to meet you tomorrow! In Vegas!! Especially since we're officially fitbit friends. Feel free to motivate me to lose 2 pant sizes too (hello amazingly jealous over here. You rock!!).

  6. You GO Mama. Nice work on the getting fit progress! And have fun at Britney...jealous!!!

  7. Veeeeegas!! Yay!
    I haven't even left Mia overnight yet and the idea gives me anxiety! I need to hurry up and break the ice because Eric and I are planning a trip this year and I don't want that to be the first time I leave her (and I'm so scared she won't remember me when we get back from that trip!)
    Girl, YAY for the jeans! That's soooo exciting!
    And I need to know more about this fitbit!

  8. OMG, what the heck is a fit bit?? I love the sounds of it.

    Have fun in Vegas!!!

  9. JARED!!! Yes, I might start calling you that now :) Um, did you check out Brit's abs in that pic you posted? They're so obviously airbrushed on. Haha!! She has all the money in the world, you'd think she could've found someone to make her fake abs look less fake ;) Have fun tonight!!! You deserve this trip!

  10. way to go on the pants size! such a good feeling! and I LOVE my fitbit! it is amazing!

  11. Yay Vegas!! And Britney! Have fun! :)

  12. Have so so much fun this weekend, can't wait to hear all about your trip!

  13. Have sooooo much fun! And good job with the new jeans mama, I mean Jared!! ;)

  14. Hope you are having a great time in Vegas! And love love loving those Jimmys on the right...I need those, but I need $1,600 more =)

    Let me know what you think of your fitbit - I've been hearing great things and I'm wondering if I need to get one!

  15. Gosh, I am soooooo jealous!! Hope you are having the best time & of course Kenley will know EXACTLY who you get back!!! :)

  16. New follower - Found your blog via Hello Erin! Your little lady is so cute! I hope you had a fun, relaxing trip away from your LO! I saw you have a fitbit too and sent you a request!

  17. Visiting from the link up. Kenley is adorable! Looking forward to reading more.


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