Thursday, April 17, 2014

Buh Bye Baby Weight!


IT-IS-GONE! The baby weight is GONE! Sure after almost a year and a half I couldn't really call it baby weight anymore but whatever it's called it's GONE and I am now 3 pounds UNDER my pre-pregnancy weight!!!
my due date vs last night! -36.5 pounds!
Yeaaaahhhhh buddy!
{please don't judge the fact that it still says "40 weeks! Waiting..." on my daughter's door #momfail}

Like I mentioned in my post last week, there is a number in my head that I am striving for BUT my overall health and confidence is my ultimate goal and I can see and feel all of that coming in to place - FINALLY!

Over the weekend I ran in Goldy's 5k and while I've ran several 5k's in the past, this time I crossed the finish line and felt GOOD! My lungs felt good, my legs felt good AND I got my best time EVER. While I was running I just felt lighter and stronger and BETTER. And that feeling is more important and more exciting than any number on the scale!
why yes I am soaking wet from's was lovely.

I have to thank all of you so much for your kind words, great tips and motivation on last week's post. I read every single word and it was definitely your comments that FINALLY pushed me past that dang number I just couldn't get past! It was so reassuring to hear that so many of you are in the same boat and to get ideas on how to continue to push myself to be the best version I can be. You rock my socks off! Also, blogging about this has really helped hold me accountable - so I hope you like these posts because there will probably be more coming. I don't want this to turn in to a fitness blog but I definitely think fitness and healthy living is a MAJOR part of being a mom.

Another big victory this week....I wore a pair of jeans I haven't worn for almost 3 years to the date, I know this because the last time I fit in them was during our engagement pictures in April 2011.
yup, those jeans!

Enough rambling for this girl...I'm off to the gym or to drink a protein shake or a bunch of raw eggs or whatever it is that in shape {or close to in shape} people do. ;)

be sure to visit my friend:


  1. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHO! WAY to go sweet friend! keep rocking it out! I know you will! So proud proud proud of you!

  2. You look Ah-MAZING!! So proud of you! Keep.It.Up!!!

  3. YAAAAAAAAAAAY! So proud of you! Was it anything in particular that you think did the trick?

  4. wooohoooo...good job Kristin!!! So proud of you!!! I also feel like fitness and health are a HUGE part of being a mom! It will also be good for Kenley to see Mom happy (totally not saying you are not happy normally...but we are much happier and feel good when we are feeling great about our body and health) and to teach her about healthy living!

  5. WAHOOO!!!! Hey girl hey!!! So awesome for you, doll!!! Xx.

  6. you're my HERO!!! no joke. hero. way. to. go!!

    now lose mine for me too?

  7. Woop woop!!! WAY TO GO Kristin!!!

  8. woo hoo! Congrats! I'm so glad you're feeling so great about it- that's really what's most important and what will carry you through the rest of your journey!

  9. HOLLER!!!!!!!!! :) Go you! So happy for you!


  10. YAHOOOOOO! Congrats! You look great!

  11. Woohoo! Congratulations! :) On both the weight loss AND the completion of your 5k! On a completely selfish note, I haven't weighed myself since my last doctor's appointment because seeing that # creep up was stressing me out....ugh!

  12. Wahooo!!! Congratulations, sweet girl! You should be proud of yourself. That's great! Big YAY for being able to fit into your 'skinny jeans'. I've been down to my pre-pregnancy weight for a while now, but DEFINITELY feel like I could stand some serious toning and tightening. So I will be working to stay fit right there with you:)

  13. Way to go! you look great! And it's awesome that you are feeling so great, too.
    I run a lot, but have been dealing with an injury recently so I decided I need to start counting calories again. here we go...

  14. YAH congrats!!!! i love that you still have the 40 weeks hanging ;)

  15. Hooray Mama!! That is wonderful news.

  16. Well done!!! So proud of your run and feeling better doing it. You are happy, healthy and a hot mama. It's all good. xo m

  17. oh ya!! You are a rock star! way to go! I'd say go have a treat- but maybe a carrot stick instead ;)

  18. Congratulations on your goal! It shows strength and commitment. You look beautiful to me anyway you are! Good posts all week, I enjoy reading them, thank you! Can't wait to see all of the family! Happy Easter to all!

  19. Congrats girl!! And way to go runnin' the 5k! I have this goal that maybe someday I'll run that "Big 10" run in Chicago... if I ever start training :)

  20. Congrats girl! That is awesome so proud of you!!!

  21. So FREAKING excited for you!!!! What a great accomplishment..girl, you look GREAT!!!

  22. Yaaaaay! Congrats hot mama!! Such a huge accomplishment! It's not easy, but it's worth it!

  23. yay!!! i bet that feels AMAZE!
    im glad there is hope for me yet!!!
    you look STUNNING in your race pic! flawless!

  24. Girl you look amazing...congrats! Seriously baby weight...well dropping any tough and you have to stick to it. You did it and you rocked it!! Now go eat a donut to celebrate! :)

  25. Yay! Congrats! I'm still on the "baby weight" train and Hailey will be 3 in June. Haha!


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