Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Genius Mom Ideas

I've said it before and I'll say it again....what in the heck did we do without Pinterest? I have a board dedicated to "Mama tips, tricks & ideas" and another to "Little Products" and I love looking at them and getting fun ideas for the future. 

Here are some of my favorites:
"Stay in bed until you see the sun!" This clock displays a sleepy star during nighttime hours, and a cheerful sun during the day. Parents choose what time the sun appears, so the child knows when it's ok to get out of bed. 
The "Stay in bed until you see the sun" clock. Perfect when Kenley moves into her big girl bed. 

Bathtub Divider. Saves so much water and time!
Bathtub Divider, so you don't waste as much water - why didn't I think of this?

tooth receipt so you can remember when they lost them. Need to remember this! 
A Tooth Receipt from the Tooth Fairy so you can remember when your kiddo lost which tooth!

great idea for chores 
"Work for Hire"...such a great idea for chores. Clip the chore and the allowance to a board for the kiddos to choose. 

Teaching toddlers right from left. Genius. Except that's Mickey's left hand in the right shoe and his right hand in the left haha... I get the idea though. 
Such a simple way to teach kiddos which foot their shoes go on!

Your child receives a quarter each time he helps out. Then he can "buy" from the house "store."  Teach him about money & responsibility. 
"House Store", your kiddo gets "money" for good behavior and helping out and can use the "money" to buy something from the home store. It teaches responsibility AND money. I will be doing this one for sure!

And my personal favorite...

Zoo Passport for kids to mark off animals they see during their zoo visit 
A Zoo Passport to mark off things you see at the zoo! I am a spaz about the zoo so I'd probably have to make one of these for myself as well! :) 

What are some genius mom ideas you've seen?

be sure to visit my friend:


  1. I LOVE that little 'home store' idea. :) I might try that with my girls. Do your chores for a week without complaining and you can 'buy' something from the home store...LOVE IT!

  2. Now I'm obsessed with that Taga bike (which I'll NEVER be able to afford), so thanks for that!!! :)

  3. I love almost every single thing on here!! That clock for SURE and the stickers in the shoes is a brilliant idea.

  4. These are so brilliant ideas! Thanks, I'm pinning a few for future reference:)

  5. That tub seperator is amazing! Where do I find that?!!
    I always wondered what that clock was about!!

  6. Okay yeah, that bathtub divider is genius for sure! Such a good idea! And I love the house store, too!!

  7. LOVING that house store and the alarm clock! Such good ideas. And I totally agree - WHY didn't we think of this stuff. We could be millionaires!!!

  8. I've been a BIG fan of the Work For Hire board every since I saw it on Pinterest too. And the Home Store?? I just LOVE how both teaches the value of money and motivation as well. Fun stuff :-)

  9. Love Pinterest for getting ideas like these. I love the sticker in the shoes! Aubrey always is putting her shoes on the wrong feet!

  10. Ahh, those are all such great ideas. What in the world would I do without Pinterest? AND this blog…seriously, when I have a baby question- Mama & Mou is my go-to.

  11. These are all genius ideas!! I don't know what I would do without Pinterest and I can't even get over the moms that actually come up with these ideas because I'm not that creative!

  12. These are genius! I like the stay on bed until you see the sun!

  13. We swear by the sun/moon night light for our daughter (also Kenley!). It's the BEST!

  14. oh man, i LOVE the tooth receipt, the stickers in the SHOE!!! and also the zoo passport!

    i cant even think of anything right now b/c these three are so awesome! haha

  15. These are the best!! I love the tooth receipts and the shoes especially!!

  16. I'm about to go pin everything from your board because I just love these all!!!!

  17. ahhh work for hire...and home store....such a teacher thing to do...I love it!


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