Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Potty Training

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As of today we will officially be potty training. 

Lord help me. 

The past few weeks Kenley has become very interested in her private parts, has been going WAY longer in between wet diapers and will go either into the bathroom or to her changing table if you ask her if she's gone potty - so it just seems like the right time. 

I've heard all kinds of different methods of potty training but it seems as though the most popular is the 3-day no pants method. I know this has worked for some of our friends and I totally get how it could be effective {and fast} but I don't know if I have the patience to sit at home for three straight days with a crazy toddler in no pants. That's just me. 

So our plan of attack is to take this nice and slow and stress free. We're in no rush but want to get the ball moving {the thought of no more diapers makes me giddy!} so we're going to get a potty chair and let Kenley explore it, practice sitting on it and somehow start equating it with her dirty diapers. 

Kenley and I are going to go buy her chair today and I'm leaning towards this one...
But of course I can't possibly start this major process without asking my beloved blog friends who have already been in my shoes for ideas, tips & advice! My buddy Andrea sent me an AWESOME email with what worked for her and her daughter Avrie...but now I want to know...WHAT DID YOU DO? How did you potty train your little? What potty did you use? How long did it take? How much wine did you drink?

Let's have it....

be sure to visit my friend:


  1. I'm kind of nervous for this time to come...I haven't got a clue how to potty train! Good luck though!

    PS your linky tool is acting weird.


  2. Lex hit the interested in the potty stage like 8 months ago (so did all of her friends). We got her potty seats (I like the one you picked out because it can also be shut and used as a stool for hand washing!), she loved them for .5 seconds. And then was super disinterested! Needless to say we still aren't potty trained (neither are any of her friends!). She'll sit on it- but won't pee. And knows AFTER she pees in her diaper (not before. Which I feel is a major component. Knowing when you have to go!). I'm not rushing anything along- especially because real underwear doesn't fit her yet. And her pants have no hope in hell of staying up without the extra diaper padding!

  3. You are brave. I'm NOWHERE near this yet...and Abbie has zero interest. I think we've probably got another year or so until she's interested!

  4. Alexa basically potty trained herself at age 1-1/2 by basically doing exactly what you just said. We put a potty chair in the bathroom for her and she'd sit down and 'try' every time that I went in to use the bathroom. We let her have a couple books with her so that she could take her time and get the feel of actually 'going' on the potty. It wasn't long after, she refused to poop in her diaper. By just letting her take her time, not force it and let her explore the potty on her own is really what did it for her. Lilli was pretty easy too, because she had a big sister to look up to and mimic! ;)

  5. I decided to potty train Ainsley right around a year and a half. We went with the cold turkey method and had her run around without pants. We have hardwood floors, so accidents weren't a big deal! I will say that her having an accident was a HUGE breakthrough. She was able to actually feel what was happening and it sort of made things click! However, if the no pants method doesn't work for you I've seen others work as well! Another "tool" that I used and Ainsley seemed to really enjoy was a peepee doll. She came with a bottle that really held water and a potty. We would give the doll her bottle and have her pee into her potty. Ainsley loved it and it really seemed to help. I am about to embark on this journey once again with Harper so I look forward to seeing everyone's tips! Hope this was somewhat helpful :)

  6. Oh man. I am not looking forward to potty training Weston. But the thought of no diapers sounds AMAZING! Good luck! Go Kenley!!!

  7. Good luck my friend, sounds like she is getting ready!
    Colton has showed some interest, but not much. We have a potty sitting in the bathroom but he's more interested in standing in the bowl. Super.

  8. I'm not a mama, so take my advice with a HUGE grain of salt, but I did help my SIL with both of my nieces and from those two experiences I learned the best time to train is when THEY are ready (not mama). My SIL tried a little too early with my oldest niece, and every time we would take her to sit on the potty she would cry and tell us to put her diaper back ON, haha! A few months later she was finally ready and it took just a few days (pooping, unfortunately, was a different story). MY SIL waited with my younger niece until she was showing the signs like you mentioned with Kenley and she transitioned pretty well, but she had more accidents/got too distracted. They are a family on the go, go, go so I think that might've been part of the issue. Obviously each child is different, though, so best of luck to you and Kenley!!!

    (My best friend's little girl practically trained herself just by being with bigger kids at daycare, she learned from them. My best friend LOVED that, haha!)

  9. Oh wow! You aren't wasting any time! Aubrey was fully potty trained at 2.5 and that included overnights too. We tried training her around 2 but she just wasn't ready so we casually let Aubrey wear undies for a few hours before bed and she finally just got it. We got a donut wedge seat cover and a step stool for the upstairs and the Fisher Price Stepstool Potty chair for the main level. Best of luck!

  10. YAH I am SO excited for Kenley!! AND also... for you MAMA! Potty Training is SERIOUS business and can 100% be added to your resumes once you and Kenley reach success! ;)

    Best of luck, I'm happy the email was helpful in getting a glimpse into our journey and how Avrie came to be a potty trained big girl- and the no diaper business is THE BEST!

  11. I have a 23 month old girl (Avery) and the advice I received from my pediatrician and other moms is just to wait until they tell you they want to use the potty. Avery became super interested in using the potty and taking off her diaper around 18 months. But after buying a potty and letting her practice, she became frustrated because she just wanted to sit on it, not actually go. She also couldn't tell me she wanted to use the potty before she had to go, only after. So my Dr. said to wait until she says she has to go which will probably be closer to 2 1/2.

  12. Best part of this post ....

    I don't know if I have the patience to sit at home for three straight days with a crazy toddler in no pants.

    you are too cute ! lol

  13. Girl. All the power to ya. I actually just did a post on this (maybe will publish next week??) - we are giving it a shot for the third time. This time bribing with a Jake & the Neverland Pirates boat that I leave on the kitchen table and he begs to open. Mean? Yeah probably but desperate times call for desperate measures. And lots and lots of wine.

    I'm with you, though. I don't want anything to do with that naked baby routine. I can just envision pee all over my carpet.

    Good luck to you guys!

  14. Best of luck!

    Easton has shown ZERO interest in this, so we will have to wait!!

  15. Hi! My daughter got her potty (baby Bjorn one-awesome and so easy to clean and for her to dump out) for her 2nd bday. It was a novelty for a few months and then we hit it hard, trying the 3 day method at almost 2.5 yrs.

    I will say it was a good kickstart. Just plan for it- have a full dvr and no plans. Use it to catch up on stuff inside the house or something if you choose to do it. That being said, she was NOT potty trained after 3 days and we worked really hard! I got mad, frustrated with both of us, and discouraged that we "failed". Stupid. So, don't set yourself up for that! But a day or so with that pantsless, focused attention does give them the support they need to understand what to do.

    She turns 3 in a week and we still use pull ups overnight and sometimes at nap time. It is a lonnnnng process, but it will click for kenlet when she is ready:)

    I hated the "training pants"- do not buy those! They are confusing because they are padded like a diaper...so why not pee in them? Undies get the job done:)

    I wrote a post while we were in the thick of potty training and posted it to your first Baby Talk:) good luck!

  16. I'm so nervous to start this phase but I think we're going to be starting it very soon too. Aubrey is going a lot longer between wet diapers too and the thought of not having to make diapers runs to babies r us anymore makes me pretty happy too! Best of luck to us both!

  17. So we are taking the nice and slow approach too. Callie sits on the potty at least twice a day now. She's gone pee a handful of times. The problem is she often asks to sit on the potty right after she's gone OR says she's all done and then pees her diaper right after (aka doesn't wait long enough). We started about 4mo ago. We have just now worked up to a routine of sitting on the potty first thing in the am and right before bedtime (most days unless she has a major fit). We're no where near potty trained but she shows more and more signs of being ready each week. I'm sure there's a faster way but Callie has always been super independent and I know she'll make it clear when she's really ready. :) SO I think go with your gut of what works for you and your kiddo... not that i'm an expert since we're still totally in diapers!


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