Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Things I Didn't Appreciate as a Kid

I'm just a little over 6 months away from being 30 years old. THIRTY. I have a husband, I have a puggle and I gave birth to and have spent a year and a half raising a baby {like an actual legit human that I brought in to the world}. I hate to say it, but you guys, I think I'm an adult. Now that I've had the opportunity to experience adult life {ie. parenting, bills, relationships, responsibilities} I am finding that there are a lot of things from my younger years that I really didn't appreciate until now.

Just a couple of them being....

A clean house. My mom is borderline OCD when it comes to the cleanliness of her home. I complain so often about what a mess our house is then realize that she was a single mom, with a full time job and TWO active kids that she drove around everywhere and our laundry was always done and our house was always spotless. I seriously do not know how she did it.

Vacations. It was always just a given that we'd go somewhere warm for spring break, usually somewhere fun for MEA weekend and always to Colorado to visit our grandparents and cousins in the summer. Now that I have my own family and pay for my own plane tickets, I am truly so grateful that we had the opportunity to take fun family vacations as kids. Some of my all time favorite memories are from the trips I've taken with my family and I hope I have the opportunity to build those memories with my kiddos as well.
New York City - October 1999 {I was 15!}

Toilet paper. We always had toilet paper. At both my mom's and my dad's, we were never out of toilet paper. If I had a dollar for every time Jason and I had to use paper towels until I could get to the store I would have enough money to buy all those vacations I want to go on.

School. I never really hated school but I definitely didn't appreciate how great I had it. I mean, I'd roll out of bed like 5 minutes before I ran out the door, a bus {which didn't take gas which costs money} drove me there, then I spent like 8 hours with my friends reading books, learning, and gossiping, then I went home to absolutely no responsibilities other than maybe helping my mom dust our spotless house. Talk about having it made.

I think when you become an adult and especially when you become a parent you start to either really appreciate your parents and your childhood or you start to realize you want something different for your family. I am so proud and grateful to say that I would do anything to give Kenley and future baby(ies) the same childhood that I had.

Love you mom & dad! And thank you!

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  1. All so, so true. I don't think my house will ever be clean...

    Also, LOVE the picture - you look so young!!!

  2. Seriously. So so SO true. Except I still can't wrap my head around actually being an adult? It snuck up on me!

  3. Ah, just wait -- turning thirty was actually my favorite :) And yes, I totally appreciate the things I took for granted now that I'm a grown up, too.

  4. Seriously!!!!!!!!!! How did we grow up so fast? I've been a mom for almost 10 years and I STILL don't 'feel' like an adult.

  5. Seriously! We had it made as kids.... If we only knew then what we know now!

  6. So freakin' true--- the vacations especially. We got to go so many places at kids and I so took that for granted. Now I know my parents were busting their butts to make sure we could do those!

    Also- can your mom write a post about how the heck she did it all?! This childless gal can't even keep a house clean!

  7. Thank you my dear. I did good! Raising your kids to become kind independant adults who can manage life is the greatest reward. My job is done but the mama bear in me is life long. xo m

  8. Augh having a clean house is something I struggle with too. ..I never appreciated it growing up and now I think back and do not understand how my mom got it all done. Crazy how everything comes full circle.

  9. haha this is all so true! i love the TP one, just bought some today! hahaha

  10. I remember being just engaged and thinking "OMG we're going to have to buy our own toilet paper!!!" HA! So funny. It is crazy to think how much money our parents have shelled out for vacay's, etc throughout the years!! Definitely took those for granted!

  11. Toilet Paper - yes! We just moved into a house and it has 3 bathrooms compared to our tiny 1 in our apartment. The fact that we just moved in a month ago and I've had to buy it twice... NUTS! It may be the sole reason I get a costco membership.

  12. Oh, man. I love my life now, I really do. But being a kid with no responsibilities again? Or at least having someone around to take care of all of the unpleasant adult stuff? Sign me up!

  13. One of my biggest worries in life is that I will not be able to live up to the selflessness of my own parents that I've really come to fully appreciate as a parent myself.

  14. I can't tell you how many times I dream of having the "stress" of being a student again over the stresses of real life!! Ha!


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