Thursday, May 1, 2014

#4WeeksFit - My Goals!

YAY! YAY! YAY! Who is excited to link up with me and Erin for our #4WeeksFit challenge?!?!

If you missed my post last week, here's what you do....

1. Pick a goal or challenge for yourself to complete in 4 weeks! It can be anything from vowing to cut pop out of your diet to going to the gym a certain number of times...whatever you want to challenge yourself to do to get healthier!

2. Leave a comment here or on Erin's blog or write a post sharing with the world what your challenge will be!

3. Post about your progress throughout the month of May with the super awesome hashtag #4WeeksFit and use our super awesome button, found right here:
4. Rock your goal! Dominate life! Then share your success on May 30th and link up either here or over on Erin's blog Love, Fun & Football

5. End the month of May a little bit {or a lot bit} healthier than you started! GO YOU! 


Now for my goals, I've decided to attempt three of them. Wish me luck!

I am terrible at drinking water. Like so bad. So for the next 4 weeks I'm going to try and drink 100 ounces each day, I'm going to keep track on my FitBit app and hope that this challenge turns in to a habit.

I'm also really bad at planks - I have ZERO core strength whatsoever so I'm going to test out the 30 Day Plank Challenge. Jason has actually agreed to do this one with me, so for the next 30 days we'll be plankin' at our house.

My last goal is my big one. I am participating in my second 5k of the year on June 1st and for the first time ever I'm actually "training" for it using the C25K app. I've completed the first 3 weeks and figured if I go for a run every other day this month I will get all the way through the program just in time for the race on the 1st. So this goal is a two-parter; Part 1: Finish the C25K training program and Part 2: Set a new personal record on the 1st.

There you have it! What are your goals? Link up! Get excited! Get fit! Get healthy! YAY! 

be sure to visit my friend:


  1. So so excited about your goals! Once you start drinking that much water throughout the day you'll wonder how you ever got by without it! :) my post is up, now! I'm excited to see how far we'll all go by the end of May! You're gonna kill you're goals!!

  2. Excellent goals...YOU CAN DO THIS!!
    I'll be linking up and posting mine tomorrow ;)

  3. Excited that I liked up with you two!! Your goals are amazing...maybe I'll do the plank challenge with you!! :)

  4. You can do it! Love your goals!

    Also, did you know if you put your water in on MFP it syncs to Fitbit automatically?

  5. You can soooooo do it!! But that's a LOT of water! You'll be in the bathroom every 15 seconds. That's alwYs my water hang up..


  7. OMG I'm jumping on your plank bandwagon! And I'm making Ryan do it too! Love that! Can't wait for Zumba tomorrow night-- one of my 3 gym visits this week :)

  8. Love your goals! I'm also going to jump on the planking bandwagon :) I'll be posting my goals tomorrow since my blog post today is already a mile long, oops!

    P.S. Will you please let me know how you create all these cute charts/graphics?!? Love them, especially since I'm such a visual person :)

  9. I'm planning to do this plank challenge too!! Love that your husband is going to do it with you!!

    Good luck on the 5k. I did my first 5k on that very same day last year!

  10. Love it! You can do it, I know you can!! I posted my goals today :)

  11. Great goals!! The water is a great idea!! I need to add that to mine! Good luck on your 5k!!
    Posted mine here:

  12. AWESOME goals Kristin!!! You got this!! You got the motivation and determination...I'm so happy you decided to do this linkup!!! Thank you :)

  13. Great goals!! What a fun way to reach them. I drink more coffee than I do water so I am working on that too. xo m

  14. Hmm i like your water / planks and running goals - i need to lose some lbs so my goal is one pound a week of weight loss !

  15. Great goals! Good luck!

  16. planning for my goals to be a home workout at least once a week. 1 min plank every morning and 10K steps AT LEAST twice a week!

  17. Go you! :) You can totally do it!

  18. Great goals!! I'm terrible at drinking enough water throughout the day. That's gonna have to be on my goal list going forward. I enjoying challenging myself with planks, but you are right, they are very tough! Good luck with the 5k - I know you'll rock it! Look forward to seeing your post of success at the end of May.


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