Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Preggo Style :: Kristin Cavallari

Happy Tuesday mamas! 

I'm finding that when I schedule my Baby Talk posts the link-up doesn't work despite me setting it up and adding the code to the post - does anyone else using LinkyTools have this problem? I've sent them an email telling them they better fix it and fast - so if the link up doesn't work again today, I'm sorry! I'm working on it!

Here's what you do:
1. Write a post about ANYTHING baby {or pregnancy} related.
2. Add my button to your post.
3. Link your post with the link-up tool found at the end of all of my posts.

I'm also actively working on not completely sucking as a blogger. A whole post on how is coming up - get excited! 

Anyways, Kristin Cavallari has been all over the news for welcoming her second baby boy last week. And all of the photos of her pregnant have really made me admire her pregnancy style. I never watched Laguna Beach or The Hills or any of those shows so I literally know NOTHING about K.Cav {do people call her that?} But I do know that girlfriend knows how to dress a bump AND she does it in a way that could totally be duplicated by a non-celeb-mama-to-be, aka ME in a couple more years. 

She mainly rocks some form fitting tanks or dresses and then adds a blazer or cardigan which are probably non-maternity. Such a great way to mix up your outfits without investing in a bunch of stuff you can only wear for nine months. 

She also jazzes up what can be VERY boring maternity outfits with fun prints and colors, but again deos it with pieces that can be worn afterwards.

And just because part of being a celeb is getting to dress up and part of being a celeb stalking is drooling over evening gowns...here's some of her preggo night out looks. 

Who is you celeb mom fashion favorite?


  1. I love her pregnancy style too. I'm definitely using her outfits as inspiration next time around... Years from now! Lol

  2. She is so freaking gorgeous. It's hilarious, I used to watch the hills/Laguna beach and she came across as this snotty little brat (but she WAS a teenager after all), and now I LOVE her... Her style is PERFECT!

  3. I love K.Cav. (We can totally call her that) I loved her bitchiness on Laguna Beach, and now I love that she's morphed into a genuine mommy. Her preggo style is AWESOME! And I feel like you need that black lace dress next time you're knocked up.

  4. She is so gorgeous!! I wish I looked that good while preggo! HA!

  5. I've always loved her style and the looks she puts together! I hope when I'm pregnant one day that I will look half as amazing as she does! I'm pretty sure that whenever you decided to have a baby you'll look just as adorable!

  6. Love her style - obsessed!! I was pinning the other night for when this will come in handy! ;)

    Hope you are doing well! XO

  7. i love following her IG!! she is a very pretty preggo and always looks great. i DID watch The Hills and wish it was STILL on! hahahaha

  8. I love me some K.Cav! I think her style is gorgeous & those lavender pants.. I need me some of those. Definitely makes me want another bump sooner than later!

  9. Gosh, she was a pretty preggo. I am going to try to learn from her style so that I can hopefully be just half as cute as she was when I get pregnant again!

  10. She is seriously the cutest pregnant lady ever! I wish I looked half as good when I'm NOT pregnant! And she's got a wardrobe to die for!

  11. IF ONLY i could wear heels anywhere and everywhere without pain!

  12. I'd like to say if I had a trainer and her wardrobe we would've been TWINS! Haha...

  13. I love her style pregnant {and not!}She always looks adorable. Kate Middleton was another pregnant lady I was totally jealous of. I will take her wardrobe any day.


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