Thursday, May 8, 2014

Workout Wishlist

We are officially DONE with week 1 of #4weeksfit!!! How are your goals going so far????
I am doing pretty good and am getting excited to see what the results at the end of the month will be!

I feel like after a few months of really trying to lose weight and get healthy, I've got the food thing down. I still count my calories every day but I've really learned how to balance the good foods and the bad so that I don't feel deprived but am eating healthy the majority of the time. Of course, it's a constant battle, especially with all the wine calling my name {the woes of a liquor reps wife}. Now I am really focusing on getting my fitness in check. I'm signed up for all kinds of fun workouts this month and am still chipping away at the C25K training program. In fact, my sweet Kenley recognized how dedicated I am to my fitness so she gifted me an early Mother's Day gift...
...some new running kicks! I got the Adidas Element Refine and am OBSESSED.

Fun Fact :: My dad runs a competitive youth basketball program here in Minnesota and is sponsored by Adidas - so when looking for workout gear that's ALWAYS my first stop. I definitely like and wear other brands but you will NEVER see me in Nike - pretty sure I'd be disowned.

There is one MAJOR problem with all of this, however. The new running shoes prompted me to do some online browsing and now I want to spend a small fortune on cute workout clothes! I mean getting dressed is half the battle, right? I feel like I'd be way more motivated to workout if I had the following....

I signed up for tennis lessons this summer and am SO excited to get back on the court {I was actually a pretty decent player back in my day} but I really need to look the part if I'm going to channel my inner Maria Sharapova.

Today I start week 5 of C25K. I'm proud of my progress but it's starting to get HARD! And running every other day is definitely putting my legs through the ringer. But I am determined to not only LIKE running but also be good at it. And to be an official "runner" I need official running clothes - that match my new shoes of course.

Like I mentioned, I'm trying out all kinds of different fitness classes {like Zumba & Kickboxing} and need the duds to rock it out. And, let's be honest, an outfit like this is pretty much my mom uniform. See Jason, multi-use! 

Yoga is by far my favorite workout so of course I pretty much need anything and everything from Lulu.
But these pretties are my current favorites. 

Now I just need to drum up $932.88 - not kidding, I added it up. 
No wonder America is so obese, no one can afford workout clothes.

be sure to visit my friend:


  1. Hahahaha, I love that last line. Workout clothes are EXPENSIVE!

  2. I saw a booth for this company the other day at the Indy Mini Marathon expo... omg all the stuff was SO CUTE!! AND SOOOOOOOOOOOO EXPENSIVE!!

  3. And then you'll lose weight and need another $932 to spend on the smaller size (but somehow that never makes me feel bad)!

  4. I'm so jealous of your tan legs!!

  5. I would skip The Hot (towel) Mat, I have it and it does not work at all! I actually cut it in half and just use it as a normal workout towel. Blerg! I'm a firm believer that cute workout clothes make you want to workout harder!

  6. OMG. Your last sentence... BAHAHAHAHA! Seriously though, these are all super cute! When you buy them, can you also buy me a set? Hey thanks!

  7. Love all the workout clothes you picked! I always think new workout clothes make getting started more fun :) Your last line is the best though... hahahaha

  8. When my hubby grows weary of yoga pants I slip into my golf attire. You can never have enough! I love all of your clothing choices.
    xo m

  9. Love those shoes...super cute. And I agree...cute workout clothes makes working out so much better!! I just wish they weren't so expensive!

  10. Don't forget about BarreAmped! I remember mentioning it once before when you posted the pic of my studio owner ;) If you like yoga I think you'll be into it.

  11. BAHHA, omg to the last 2 sentences ;) But seriously all this stuff is SO cute! And sorry TAT but I'm more of a Nike girl... whoops!

  12. I'm on a workout clothes binge too! TJ maxx is where it's at right now.. Saving my pennies for some lulu soon :) Good job, mama!

  13. Dude, you are right. Workout clothes are expensive. Which is why I still run around in my old high school cheerleading shorts and t-shirts. Definitely not the most fashionable girl when it comes to workout clothes, that's for sure. I will say, I've seen some really cute things at both Target and Marshalls/TJ Maxx, so that will probably be where I head first whenever I do decide to upgrade my workout wardrobe!

  14. haha. workout clothes are definitely expensive. but only if you want to look cute. i still run in an old pair of umbros i used to run in in high school (i graduated in 2000).
    sure, i look homeless when i run, but at least i'm fit!
    (ha, meanwhile i have an $$$ double bob!!)

  15. No wonder America is so obese, no one can afford workout clothes.
    that made me spit out my water i laughed so hard.
    i just ordered t25 so i am starting monday!!! and have been telling my husband every hour. I NEED WORK OUT CLOTHESSSSS!! he says just wear your leggings and my tshirt! uh, no babe. just no.

  16. also. i have been DYING over this adidas jacket!

  17. Workout clothes ARE so expensive. But you're right -- getting dressed is half the battle. If I get a sports bra on I KNOW I'm working out in the near future. Add running shoes to the mix and it's a done deal.

  18. You're completely right, working out can be really expensive! I try to add to my workout clothes one at a time, that way it's not so much all at once. I do recommend the fitbit that you have pictured there though! I love mine! :)

  19. I'll take one of all of these please! I ditto everyone else. The last line of this post was too funny...such a valid point though!


  20. Love that Adidas running shirt...and of course the Lulu! you will have to wear ALL of your great Lulu yoga gear when you come to just a few short weeks!! =)

  21. Bahahaha!! That MUST be the reason we are obese! Hilarious! Those are some stinking cute outfits! Do you have Costco? They have CUTE workout tanks for $10!
    Also, you are doing so amazing! Love seeing your workout posts!

  22. it def does help to look cute when working out, great picks here.

  23. Ugh I love all this! Why do workout clothes have to be so expensive?! I'm loving Albion Fit lately, there stuff is adorable.


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