Thursday, June 12, 2014

Beebs Do BSB, Alright!

I've been a die-hard, hard-core Backstreet Boys fan since Quit Playing Games was released in 1997, I was 13 years old - that's 17 years of super-fandom for those of you like me who are mathematically challenged. You can roll your eyes, make "boy bands suck" comments and judge all you want but those five boys have been with me through it all. Every song reminds me of some one or some memory. Each album brings me back to a certain period of my life. And when I see all of them on stage singing and dancing to the songs I love so, so, so much it totally brings all kinds of weird emotions out of me. Again, make fun all you want but the Backstreet Boys are something really special to me. This concert, like the 7 BSB concerts before it (yes I've seen them 8 times and I plan on seeing them 800 more), was a night I will never forget and is just one more amazing BSB memory in a long line of fantastic memories.
The boys looked amazing, sounded amazing and as Howie put it "We are just like wine, we get better with time." It was incredible to see a filled arena SCREAMING for the boys, amazing to hear all of their old hits mixed with some of their amazing new songs, and of course it was a BLAST spending the night with my Beeb dancing, screaming and singing so loud we lost our voices. 

This concert was especially sweet because if you recall I saw this same show last summer in Chicago and sadly because of a noise curfew {though I prefer to blame DJ Pauly D} the concert was cut short, so to see the show in it's entirety on Tuesday was like unfinished business.

Now I just need to figure out how to get myself on the Backstreet Boys Cruise in October.


  1. Now I'm just a singing there songs and doing their dances in my head. What a fun concert. looks like you had a blast girl

  2. Backstreets back...alright!!! Summer of 99 was an awesome summer and every memory from that summer floods back to me when I hear 'Larger than Life'!!!

  3. AMAZING! So jealous! I love bsb.

  4. i think i love you even more for being a die-hard BSB fan!! SUCH a fun concert. i'm totes jealous!!

  5. I'm so freaking jealous of this....#teamnick

  6. LOL! You guys are too much fun, I'm glad you had a blast! I'm curious though, were most people there our age-ish? Like the people who have been following them for forever?! Or many younger gals?

  7. So much fun!! you both look fab!

  8. I did love me some BSB, but OH WOW I was obsessed w/ N'Sync!!!! ;) glad you ladies had a fun time!!

  9. Love them and N'sync. You look great btw

  10. Looks awesome. I was way more of a NKOTB girl, but still looks super fun!

  11. a BSB cruise, tell me more!?
    it looked like you two beautiful girls had such a good time!

  12. I still blame Chicago on Pauly D!! So glad you can add another BSB memory to your collection. xo m

  13. SO FUN!
    i wrote an article about brian littrell for a canadian magazine a year or so ago, and he sang the first few lines of "quit playing games with my heart" and "i want it that way" over the phone to me. it was AMAZING.
    my toddler was sick on the couch with a fever and i had to apologize several times for the whining kid in the background.

    here's the article:

  14. i LOVE that you have been to so many bsb concerts!! i knew you were a girl for me!! hahahaha!

  15. Hahahah I went to the BSB concert last was outdoors...and omg best concert ever...I loved how I felt 16 again!! :-)Great show to be a part of!

  16. Hahahah I went to the BSB concert last was outdoors...and omg best concert ever...I loved how I felt 16 again!! :-)Great show to be a part of!


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