Monday, June 23, 2014

Summer Love

Guess who's back, back again...Kristin's back, tell a friend!

For all 8 of you who are still reading despite my severe lack of posting, THANKS! And, HI! I'm back!
I took a much needed bloggy break to refocus and get organized and I am once again feeling excited and inspired by Mama and Mou. 

I have been so busy with a variety of different things I am excited to fill you in on but mainly I've been spending my time enjoying summer. I LOVE summer, it's hands down my favorite season and if it was 85 and sunny every single day of the year, I would not get sick of it.It's been pretty raining these past couple of weeks but you better believe the second we see sunshine we are out making the most of our summer. 

We've been boating, spending time at the pool, celebrating my grandma's 80th birthday, betting on ponies at the racetrack, spending time with friends and family, going on nice long walks, having coffee dates on the deck and playing at the park!


  1. YAY!!! So glad you are back, I missed you!!!!!!!!

    Goodness, Kenley is so big!!!! Looks like a wonderful summer, so far.

  2. Great family pictures. A wonderful summer so far. Our little buddy is getting so big and so funny! xo m

  3. Sounds like a great summer so far :)

  4. Fun fun fun! :) I'm a little bummed that we haven't done more things together this summer! HAHA

  5. I see why you have been MIA you have been busy girl. Looks like you are having a blast this summer.

  6. I love that Britney tumbler!

    Looks like your family is making the best of summer.

  7. can i be at the pool with you and a brit cup ASAP?! kthanksbai.

  8. Soak it up, mama!! Summer is the BEST!

  9. Oh I think we're all slacking with the blogging. It's summer. There are much better things to do! :)

  10. SO many cute family photos!!! :) I wish I was enjoying as much pool time as you are!

  11. Miss you friend! Glad you're back. Me... not so much :(

  12. You're whole family is gorgeous. Gah!!! Looks like a great summer so far, and I'm totally jealous of your tan.

    I say it all the time, but Kenley is just adorable and I LOVE her little pony tail on top!

    Love Jason's "johnny football" shirt, too! :)

  13. I am totally envious of your tan! YAY for summa time!!

  14. how young did you say your grandma is, 50!? GAH she's GORGEOUS!

    glad to see you are enjoying summer just as much as we are! :)

  15. Ah your little girl is SO cute. I love stalking you on FB!

  16. Hello fun summer so far... Little miss has gotten big :)

  17. So much fun. I am officially obsessed with K's hair. LOVE it!!! Cannot wait for D's to grow!!


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