Friday, August 1, 2014

Alright August, Let's Do This

Thank you all for your advice on Tuesday's post! I have been using my spare time this week to really try and get myself organized and find a system that works! I started by getting a new laptop! 
We only have a desktop computer at home and since a lot of the work I do is online it has been difficult. Being able to have all of my stuff on my own computer and to be able to work anywhere is one HUGE step in the right direction in terms of getting myself back on track. 

I've decided that August is going to be my month to really rock it! I want to get stuff done, be productive, dominate life and have some fun! I'm setting some goals for August and hope that sharing them will keep me accountable. So here's what's going down in August...

  • Take advantage of my super cute blog planner from Breezy Organization to plan/brainstorm posts
  • Post EVERY week day in August {woah!}
  • Clean out mama and mou inbox {currently 506 emails - yikes!}
  • Catch up on blog reading! 

  • Attend/plan an Essential Oils event
  • Meal Plan & Grocery Shop EVERY week
  • Run a 5k
  • Train for the 5k {3 runs a week?}
  • Find time for at least 4 yoga classes
  • Do a 2-day Zula Juice Cleanse 

  • Update Budget & Create a financial plan
  • Organize photos!!!
  • Create a cleaning schedule {and stick to it!}
  • Create a work schedule {and stick to it!}
  • Set up new laptop for optimum organization {whatever that means}

  • Celebrate Scott & Kelly's Shower in Okaboji
  • Celebrate Sarah's Bridal Shower
  • Celebrate Aaron's 30th Birthday
  • Celebrate Jason's Birthday
  • Start a Book Club!
  • State Fair
  • Tim McGraw Concert
  • Kick off Gopher Football! 
  • Start brainstorming ideas/Planning Kenley's 2nd Birthday!!!

What's on your to-do list this month?


  1. So much on your list! Love that you categorized it like that - I need to break it down that way too!

  2. I am going to try this cleaning system this month, it's 20 minutes every single day, I printed it out and put in on my fridge.

  3. This is a great list! :) You're going to rock it! I just know it!

  4. I love this list - I need to do a few of those things too - the cleaning/organizing for sure. And I'm trying to get into essential oils too!

  5. Even your list is organized! I like how you included a section for fun!! :)

  6. 1/2 the battle is creating this go girl!!! I know commenting is just making that email count go up :) PS...I just had an essential oils party and fell in LOVE with them...I bet you will too :)

  7. Look at you. All cute and organized. Get 'er done!

  8. Girlfriend August is going to be YOUR month!!! I can feel it ;) I am working on a "goals" post for the month and I like the way you broke it into categories! Thanks for the inspiration ;) enjoy your new laptop! Being able to work from the couch is awesome ;)

  9. You go are going to ROCK the pants off August! ;)

  10. Oh my gosh!! I just found you and I love you already. This is going to be the beginning of a fabulous blog world relationship, I already know! :)

  11. I seriously love lists.. I need to be more proactive with my blog too. being preggs definitely is a good excuse, right?

  12. My fave posts are lists- duh! I'm getting my August list together, we're gonna ROCK THIS MONTH!!!

  13. I love you list I need to make a to do list

  14. I love lists, but holy crap, I am overwhelmed right now LOL.
    Good luck this month!

  15. Yay for a new laptop!
    I'm a total list maker
    August looks like it's going to be busy for you but you got this girl :)

  16. August is going to be such a good month for you!! And seriously, posting everyday? You are super woman!!


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