Monday, August 4, 2014

A Trip to the Farmer's Market

In my continued quest to be healthier, I spent Saturday morning with my favorite girls at the Mill City Farmers Market in downtown Minneapolis. My mom doesn't live too far from downtown so we decided to walk to the market early Saturday morning. It was a gorgeous day and we had so much fun looking at all the local vendors, trying some Zucchini Orange Walnut Chocolate muffins, stocking up some delicious Zula Juice and of course people watching. Our walk to and from the farmers market ended up being nearly 7.5 miles which gave me just under 14,000 steps before noon!

And...congrats to Jill B. who won my Febreze Noseblind + $60 AmEx Gift Card giveaway!!!


  1. Good job on the pictures. A fun morning with many calories burned and juice!! xo m

  2. Love the Farmer's Market pictures! That is a LOT of steps so early in the day - you go girl! :) I'm so excited about winning the Febreze/AmEx giveaway!!! Woohoo!

  3. I LOVE the farmer's market but have only been once this whole summer. That needs to change! And seriously LOVING that skirt you're rocking :)

  4. We've got a farmers market near us every weekend, and I have never been. But after seeing your fun pictures, I may just have to try it out!:)

  5. yum! we live for saturday farmer's markets, they are so fun and we always get treats :)

  6. Nothing beats a Saturday morning at the farmers market. Those juices look sooo delicious.
    You're little one is absolutely gorgeous.

    Antoinette x

    between the lines

  7. I've been meaning to go to the farmers market all summer!!

  8. fun morning! and you are looking GREAT guuuuuurl!

  9. Girl you are tiiiiiny. Good job!!
    The pictures are great, Kenley is adorable.


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