Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The ABCs of Kenley

I've seen this fun little ABC getting-to-know-you game going around in the blog world and thought it might be a fun way to catch you up on what is going on with our crazy little almost 21 month old {also known as MY BABY IS ALMOST TWO! *tear*}.

Plus, Kenley has been working on her ABCs every night before bed so it's quite fitting. 

A. "Allgin" - which is how she says both Oliver {her little puppy baby} and Ally {her Auntie}

B. Busy, Busy, Busy - this kid does not sit still for even one second of the day. 

C. Crazy - my child is nuts. She does and says the weirdest things, has so much energy and is sassy to the limits.

D. Dancer - girlfriend has some moves. Her go-to is legit a booty drop {takes after her mama}. Kenley also took dance classes this summer!

E."Eeeeeee" - what Kenley calls slides because she yells "Eeeeeee" when she goes down them.

F. Full of it - if you ask Kenley a question and she doesn't know the answer she will make one up {just like her father}. For example if you ask "Kenley what does the wall say?" without hesitating she will reply with something like "daga-doo".

G. Gorgeous. I know I am biased, but sometimes I look at her gorgeous little face and cannot believe she is mine.

H. "Hop hop" - this would be what she calls bunnies and also what says when she makes her stuffed animals "walk"

I. Independent - I am grateful that Kenley has learned to play independently {at least part of the time}. She also loves tasks like "go throw this in the garbage" or "put the clothes in the hamper" we are still working on "put your toys away"

J. Jump - Kenley LOVES to jump! Her feet don't actually leave the ground but if you ask her to jump she will try and then point to everyone in the room demanding that they too "bop" {Kenley for jump}

K.Kind - Kenley is a little share-bear and also gets upset when anyone else is upset.

L.Laugh - her real laugh is my favorite sound in the world but currently when she gets really excited she does this very Bevis & Butthead sounding laugh which is both hilarious and incredibly annoying.

M. "MomMom" - Kenley's name for me and my favorite word she says. I love hearing that little voice yelling "mommom" from her crib, or when I get home, or when she wants me to sit by her.

N. "Nen" - how Kenley says "Kenley". She calls herself Nen and it's about the cutest thing in the entire world. Everything in the house is either MomMom, DadDad or Nen depending on who it belongs to.

O. Outside - Just like her mama, if Kenley could be outside all day every day she would be as happy as can be. She will sit out on her deck by herself for an hour just because she LOVES to be outside.

P. Pickle - Kenley's favorite food, currently.

Q. Quick - you can't turn your back for a second with this one. She's speedy, sneaky, and very curious. I swear I spend half my day just trying to figure out where she put something I didn't even know she took.

R. Runner - Walking is not longer an option, running is now the primary mode of transportation

S. Sharpie - apparently in Kenley's mind sharpies are lipstick. Orange was her first attempt then she tried a lovely silver shade. Shame on mom for turning her back for two seconds.
T.Tantrum - we've officially entered the Toddler Tantrum stage of life. Kenley doesn't quite understand why she can't do whatever she wants and get whatever she wants despite being able to communicate that with us. It's fun.

U.Undies - we are still very lackadaisically trying to potty train but I'm nearing the point of tossing the diapers and buying some undies because I am OVER the diaper changes. 

V. Vegetarian? This child could eat fruits & veggies {and pickles} all day long and could care less about meat.

W. "Wallykazaam" her favorite TV show. We hear "Walla-walla-walla" {Kenley talk for Wally}about 400 times a day

X."X Marks the Spot" - OK, I know this is a stretch but it's X for crying out loud. Kenley's new trick is closing one eye and saying "argh" like a pirate. Just watch the very end of the ABC video for proof.

Y. "yeaaaaah" - if you ask Kenley a question 95% of the time she will answer with a very drawn out "yeaaaah" not "yes" but "yeaaaaah"

Z."zzzzzz" - this little buddy girl is still a great sleeper. I am so grateful we haven't had to deal with any sleep regressions and that I can be sure my babe is always rested and ready for action.


  1. Love that you did this post all about Kenley, hehe :) The Sharpie picture still cracks me up-- she just wants to color code and organize things like her momma!!

  2. That video is the cutest thing...love the pirate at the end :)

  3. this was the cutest post!

  4. she is seriously adorable! i have to have to have to meet her soon! i loved the K- ABC sound track in the background while i read this post too! ;)

  5. Her hair kills me!! It's gotten soooo long!
    Mia has figured out how to have her feet leave the ground when she jumps in the last 2 weeks... she is so proud of herself each time she does it :)
    I wish we could have play dates... as much for our babies as for us, ha ha!

  6. She is so cute! Love this post - I don't know that I could think of something for every letter, but you did great:)

  7. I was hoping to see SISTER under S at the bottom :)

  8. OMG. The tantrums of a 20 month old. I'm right there with ya, mama.

  9. OMG. The tantrums of a 20 month old. I'm right there with ya, mama.

  10. What a creative and adorable post. I was kind of expecting something about YiaYia for Y!! xo m

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. She is so adorable and is getting so big!

  13. Collins does the exact same thing within assigning items to who they belongs to, mamas shoes, Collins (ollins) or dadas. It's adorable.

  14. This is adorable. I love it. ok and her in her ballet outfit - I about died. SO flippin adorable. And her hair. Gah.

  15. What a cute post! My son is a jumper also. Good thing you took a minute to take a picture of her sharpy lipstick, those will be fun to look back on!


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