Tuesday, September 2, 2014

A Perfectly Long Labor Day Weekend

If the purpose of Labor Day is to have a break from work...have a break we did! Our "Labor Day Weekend" kicked off on Tuesday when we headed up to the ranch to visit Jason's mom and step-dad.We went out to dinner, Kenley played in her very own mini-water park and we all had a great time.

Wednesday, Jason and I spent the day at the Minnesota State Fair stuffing our faces with our favorite greasy fair food, drinking beer and walking around wearing a fit bit band with no fit bit in it...yup, awesome.
And then spent our evening with our friends Seth & Alisha and none other than Mr. Tim McGraw.
This was our third time seeing him and I think was my favorite of the three shows. Seriously in love with that man.

We had approximately no time to recover from the concert and the fair because Thursday was the Gopher home opener! We were off for campus promptly at 12:00pm. Our festivities began at our favorite campus restaurant, Tony's Diner, and then moved to Lot 37 just as soon as the lots opened.
My Gophs started off the season with a 42-20 win over Eastern Illinois!!!

Friday, the only plans we had were Jason's fantasy football draft which thankfully didn't involve me, so I got a night at home with my best girl.

Saturday morning, Kenley and I met up with my family for a wonderful day on the boat. It was a beautiful day on the water and Kenley was right at home on the boat - just like her mama.

Sunday we spent the morning at the pool and then had a family lunch with Jason's family to spend time with his sister who was in town from Florida and also to celebrate Jason's younger brother's birthday {sadly, I failed to take a single photo}.

Then Sunday night, because we hadn't packed enough in, we had a fantasy football draft and party in our party room for Jason and his friends. It was just me and the boys and while it was kind of fun to finally see what a fantasy draft is all about, I kind of wanted to poke my eyes out - but overall it was a really fun night hanging out with my favorite boys.

Yesterday was spent doing absolutely nothing. We literally just took turns napping and trying to recover from a wonderful week off!


  1. Your life is just way too fun!! I'm sad I didn't make it to any big fairs/festivals this year- I WANT ALL THE FRIED FOOD!!!

  2. TIM!!! So jealous. So so jealous! Looks like the best weekend ever...
    Minus maybe the FF. My husband gets waaaaay into his league :)

  3. So jealous of the Tim McGraw concert. You were BUSY BUSY this weekend.

  4. Such a busy fun life! Great post. xo m

  5. Wowza looks like you had a good mix of sports family food music and FUN !

  6. I'm still terribly sad that we could make Timmy M work out but looks like you enjoyed it for the both of us...so thanks :) And loving the waaaaay overdone maroon and gold? Right? Teenie Weenie...in a weenie mobile? hahahaha

  7. Oh girl! LOVE me some Tim McGraw! I've seen him a few times and yessssss. Such a great concert!

  8. you and jason are so cute at the tim concert!!! whoop whoop #MNstatefair


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