Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Baby Bump Bundle {+ a giveaway!}

There must be something in the water because literally every day someone is announcing they are pregnant! I am so excited to have so many friends expecting because as you all know talking about pregnancy and babies is my all time favorite thing ever! One of the more recent initiates in to the mama club is my friend Katie from Keep Calm and Carry On. Katie and I have been blog friends since what feels like forever and when I got a text message with this photo:

I about died!

I knew right away I wanted to send Katie a little something to congratulate her{and big brother Rocky} on this super exciting news and knew a package from Baby Bump Bundle was just the thing!
BumpBundles are care packages featuring handpicked products specifically for expecting mamas {they have nursing, fitness and new baby bundles as well!} at each stage of pregnancy.
Adorable, right?

I opted for the Second Trimester Bundle for Katie and was so impressed when the bundle showed up at my door! The point is to have these bundles delivered right to the mama-to-be, but I wanted to check out the products and add a couple of little things of my own to the bundle first.

The bundle was filled with some amazing products and I have to admit it was a little hard for me not to just keep them for myself {even though I am NOT pregnant}!
Anna Naturals Glowing Mama Face & Body Scrub || Baby Words Green Sonogram Magnet
Sweaty Bands Headband || Mama-to-Be Tea Sampler

I threw in a couple little treats for Big Bro Rockstar, and a onesie & some diapers for baby Camden.

Then sent the package on it's way!

This is FOR SURE my new go-to gift idea for mamas-to-be! Those 9 months are really all about the baby and mama deserves to get some treats and be taken care of too!

My friends over at Baby Bump Bundle have very generously offered to give one of my readers $30 off any bundle {or product!} of their choice! I know that every one of you can think of someone {maybe it's yourself!} who could use a bundle - so enter to win below! Winner announced next Monday!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Yay - so glad you and your friend Katie loved the bundle ;) Good luck to all entering the giveaway !!

  2. These are so great! I need to keep these in mind when one if my friends/family is expecting!

  3. SUCH a cute gift idea!! I like the different themes too- a fitness one?! How cool!!

  4. This is seriously adorable!! I've got to PIN this to give as gifts for my friends!! :) (Or I hope I win!!) :)


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