Monday, September 15, 2014

Almost 2

As of today, Kenley is 22 months old, or as I have been referring to it for the past couple months..."almost 2." How this little love muffin will be turning TWO is so far beyond me.
This child is so full of personality, I am fearful of what the teenage years will be like in our house. She is also a chatty little thing - she learns to say a new word pretty much every day and it's SO fun {and hilarious}. For example, she has learned to say "sit" but it doesn't quite sound like "sit":   

Here's a little more on what this almost 2 year old has been up to lately...

Weight: 27 pounds also known as getting too heavy to carry
Teeth: 13 - we are waiting on three more of the pointy guys then we're done! Until they all fall out, I guess. 
Words: At this point, there's too many to count. But our favorites are "sit", "Bays" {which is what she calls Bailey}, and "Sa-sawwy" {sorry} 
Sleep: Bedtime is usually between 7pm and 8pm and she will wake up any time between 7am and 8am then usually takes a 2ish hour nap late morning.
Eating: K is still a good little eater and there really isn't anything she doesn't like but she definitely has her favorites like "smoothies"{fruit & veggie pouches, "hop hops" {Annie's bunny graham crackers}, Cheese and "Allgins" {olives}
Diaper Size: She's wearing 2T Pampers Pull Ups
Clothes: 18 - 24 months
Hair Color: Blondie.
Eye Color: Same as her daddy - greenish, blueish, grayish with flecks of gold.
Nicknames: Nen {which is what she calls herself}, Kenny, Mou, KenKen, Buddy, Squeezie, KennyPop
Milestones: Yesterday {when I of course was not home} Kenley looked at Jason and said "pee", so they went to the potty AND SHE WENT PEE! Huge, huge, huge step in the potty training journey! Kenley is also getting so good at her ABCs and is able to pick out letters when she sees them...O, M, T, A and S are the ones she always knows. And, we've started learning colors, so far she knows "pupu" or purple, "booooooo" or blue, "wed" or red, "beeeeen" or green and my favorite "welwoah" or yellow. 
Interests: Dancing {this kid loves to cut a rug}, being outside, watching her shows {Wallykazaam, Doc McStuffins, Paw Patrol & Bubble Guppies are her faves}, coloring.


  1. Oh my, lil kids saying naughty words on accident...probably one of the cutest lil things in the world. thanks for sharing the funny video!

    She is so big and beautiful!!

  2. She is gorgeous! But I can't believe she's going to be 2 soon. What!?! We have got to tell our babies to slow down. This is all happening way too fast!

  3. I seriously feel like it was last week I was reading about her first bday party!! She's growing up too fast!! But she is such a beauty :)

  4. It cracks me up when their words come out sounding like something else! ha! And I love that she calls herself "Nen". Azalea has said her name so many different ways over the last 3 years, it's so fun to hear.

  5. I seriously watched that video like 10 times!!!! So cute!!!!!!!!!!


  6. She is so so sweet and I LOVE that video!! Gah. I wish you lived closer!

  7. is she almost two?!?! She is just about the most adorable thing.

    And potty? woo hoo!! Take how you can get it woman!

  8. What a doll! She's just too cute. Did she get her 2 year molars yet? Those and the eye teeth were the worst for teething! Only 7 more and she'll be done until she's 6-7! Yay!

  9. Yay - that is big news about the potty situation :) congrats !

  10. She is too stinkin cute and I love that she went on the potty! So adorable!

    Would you be interested in writing a guest post for my Toddler Tuesday series?

  11. so i know we have been trying to plan a playdate for approximately a year now... we should try again this winter!! ;)


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