Friday, September 12, 2014

I Am Bad at Baby Steps

Instant gratification is my middle name. I don't know if it's my Type-A personality, my "dream big" philosophy or just the time we live in but when I have an idea or a goal I want it planned, finished,  and accomplished like NOW. 

Take, for example, my weight loss. I've made huge strides over the past year but these last 15 pounds are stuck here and have been for months. Instead of continuing to make small changes I think that I need to workout 4 hours a day, 7 days a week and eat nothing but vegetables for the rest of my life to attain it...and do you think I am going to work out 4 hours a day, 7 days a week and eat only vegetables for the rest of my life? Heck, NO! So, here those 15 pounds sit. 

Or, look at my blog. I love it, I miss it and I have big plans for it. Instead of sitting down to write ONE post for tomorrow, I think that I need to plan the entire month and write every single post before I can get even one up. 

Or even something as lame as laundry. I could do one load a day which from start to finish would take me not even 20 minutes. But instead it piles up and piles up and I get so overwhelmed about doing 15 loads of laundry, I just leave it and wash only what I need to get by. 

Instead of thinking I need to do it ALL right this second, I need to learn a way to take baby steps. Do a little at a time. Reach a goal bit by bit instead of getting overwhelmed and throwing in the towel. 
But that's easier said than done, right? Because, after-all, the results are what motivate me. I'm not going to lose these last 15 pounds after 3 workouts but losing weight after 3 workouts is going to fuel me to keep going. Ya know?

I'm kind of rambling. I guess I just want to do you stay motivated in all you do? How do you accomplish your goals and stick to your plans....long term?

I am reading the book The Slight Edge right now and the whole concept of the book is essentially to take baby steps. Let's hope this book is the secret to getting me to stick to it. 


  1. It's so hard not to fall into the "gutter" of instant gratification. I feel it, too, but like you, I have to remind myself that all good things take time. I'm not going to shed pounds in one day of healthy eating, and I can't accomplish everything for a week, in just one day. Gotta take time to smell the roses :)
    Happy Friday!!

  2. Oh my gosh, this is SO ME! I need to get that book asap!

  3. I'm with you, the baby steps philosophy doesn't work for me. I need results yesterday!

  4. I just love you- and you KNOW I needed to hear this today too :)

  5. I do this all the time too! I actually read a really great book called Happier by Tal Ben-Shahar. He is a professor at Harvard who teaches a course on positive psychology. The book talks a lot about goal-setting and how to set goals in a more effective way and how to break down larger goals into more achievable smaller goals. It's definitely worth a read.

  6. Love that...because we all know something as amazing as Bey, there is no way that was done all in one day! I am similar to you in that if I can't get a lot done, I become stubborn and just don't do anything at all. How does that even make sense??

    And I'm not sure what 15 lbs you are referring to because when I saw you - and your teenie weenie - it was looking mighty good. #getitgurl

  7. Love that...because we all know something as amazing as Bey, there is no way that was done all in one day! I am similar to you in that if I can't get a lot done, I become stubborn and just don't do anything at all. How does that even make sense??

    And I'm not sure what 15 lbs you are referring to because when I saw you - and your teenie weenie - it was looking mighty good. #getitgurl

  8. I also don't know where you can find 15 pounds to loose! I kind of live by the one step motto. Sometimes I feel like an under achiver but it helps me stay sane and motivated. xo m


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