Monday, September 22, 2014

The Best Big Sister

Nope, this isn't announcement. Sorry to disappoint. 
Recently, Kenley and I have had the pleasure of spending time with Sebastian, the six-month-old adorable son of my buddy Sara. This time with two kiddos has given me much hope that eventually life with another little one will be fantastic. 
Kenley is so sweet with Bas. She watches his every move, gets concerned when he cries and makes sure he always has a toy. The thing that really surprised me is how patient she is. She lets me give Bas his bottle, put him down for a nap or change his diaper without needing attention. She watches and even helps but never asks me for a thing.
Of course, we are only with Bas for a few hours at a time and things will probably be quite a but different when there is a babe around 24 hours a day, but watching her with him has really made me realize that Kenley will be the best big sister!

I'm not quite ready to give up Kenley being my only baby, but when the time is right, I think Kenley is ready.
what is wrong with this picture???


  1. Aweeee i love this post!! <3 We love you guys!!!! Bas is the luckiest little man to have a Kenley buddy in his life!!!

  2. Love this post :) I know Kenley will be an AWESOME big sis when the time comes! These pictures are all too too cute!

  3. Adorable. She looks so big compared to him!

  4. Oh SO cute! One of my bests just had twins last week! I visited her in the hospital the night of, but last night we took them dinner. Mia was super upset at first when I was holding one of the babes, but then she because super obsessed with them! Wanting to hold them, constantly checking their pack n play and lifting up the blanket asking where the babies were, pointing at them, bringing their binkies etc. Our friends asked Mia, "do you want a baby sister?" IMMEDIATELY she said, "YES!" Ha ha, I don't think she knows what that question means...

  5. Ok so you know it's time to have another one...I have to admit I was a bit excited for a second, then I wasn't excited because it wasn't an announcement, but then I got excited again because K is just too dang cute....and I love the name Sebastian...


  6. just this morning avrie looked at me and said... when you have a baby in your belly maybe it will be a baby sister for me and she will be a "whitney" where the thought of a baby in my belly came from, NO IDEA! as for the whitney name... thats one of her best school buddies. ahhh kids, i would love another but man, one is tough! ;)


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