Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Two Degrees to Martha Stewart

So you know that whole 7 degrees to Kevin Bacon thing? What if I told you I could be 2 degrees to Martha-frickin-Stewart?!

Here's how...

My amazingly talented girlfriend Hannah created {and makes in her lab} her very own cosmetic line called Aromi, I actually told you all about it in this post last year! 
So not only is Aromi amazing {not kidding, I am obsessed with ALL the lip products and the solid perfumes} but Hannah is a FINALIST in the  Martha Stewart American Made Awards!!!!

American Made

Winning this award would be SO huge for my sweet friend and her business {not to mention she'd get to MEET Martha!} and she totally deserves it! So I am kindly asking, ok BEGGING, all of you to pleeeeeeeease vote for Hannah & Aromi!

It's so easy, just click the link and then hit VOTE on the right hand side!


  1. That is SO awesome!!! I'll go vote right now!! :)

  2. Used my 6 votes on Hannah...if you remind me everyday that I can vote...I'll keep voting!

  3. I'll vote if she promises to take me with her to meet Martha when she wins!!! Lol


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