Tuesday, October 28, 2014

This is Fall

Minnesota has been ROCKIN' this fall. The weather has been PERFECT! We have had so many beautiful days and I am grateful we have been able to spend so much time outside so late in the year as we all know it's just a matter of time before it snows and I am permanently crabby for 5 months.

Over the weekend we took Kenley to pick out pumpkins! This kid LOVES pump-pins. Everywhere we go she spazzes when she sees a pumpkin - so imagine her joy when she saw HUNDREDS of them. She literally picked out the very first pumpkin she saw which was a perfectly tiny little Kenny pumpkin. Having a kiddo really does make everything more fun, doesn't it?


  1. seriously the cutest! i love k's love of pumpkins!! although this makes me want a patch in my backyard for some reason. . .

  2. I love that pumpkin patch! It is so cute to see her surrounded by it all. She looks like she is in heaven.

  3. You have THE cutest family!! :) And that second picture of Kenley looking at the pumpkins all like...Hmm which one should I pick, is so freaking adorable!

  4. She is too cute! I'm loving her pants. I'm so jealous of how nice your weather is! It's been raining practically nonstop so our trip to the patch was a muddy one!

  5. Seriously cute!! Kenny reminds me of another pumpkin lovin girl. xo m

  6. Such a cute little family you have! I love fall!

  7. LOVE the hands on her hips picture! So cute! I'm just an aunt, but I totally agree life is more fun with kiddos! :)

  8. Girl, right? If this is fall weather, than count me in! It's been absolutely perfect here too.

    I love pumpkin patches and even more I love seeing cutie Kenley at a pumpkin patch. Seriously she is a doll...when are we going to arrange that marriage between our kiddos again?

  9. OH MY GAH... that picture of her standing with both hands on her back... looking like "hmmm... this pump-pin looks to be just about as perfect as perfect can be!"


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