Monday, November 3, 2014

Our Little Family

Each year, when the calendar flips to November, I get a bit nostalgic. Jason and I have unintentionally reached each milestone in our relationship {except for getting engaged} in November.... 
first date Nov. 10th {7 years ago}
picked out Bailey Nov. 11 {6 years ago}
moved in together Nov. 29 {6 years ago}
got married Nov. 5 {3 years ago}
had our first baby Nov. 15 {2 years ago}

With all of these anniversaries on the horizon, I can't help but think of our relationship and how proud I am of the little family that we have built. I have known Jason my entire life {our dads have been best friends since 8th grade} and though I dreamed of being his wife when I was little, I never could have imagined or dreamed up that we would have the life that we now have. 
Kenley is our pride and joy, the apple of our eyes and our entire world. I am so proud of the parents we have become, am so excited to watch her grow and am very much looking forward to the time when we add another babe to the mix. Our relationship has definitely changed and grown over the past 7 years and while our responsibilities and priorities continue to shift, one thing absolutely stays the same - we have so much stinkin' fun together. 

To my JJ, happy November my love. Let's celebrate our awesome life all month long!


  1. I freakin' love this! You have an entire special month all about celebrating love and life and that is so awesome! Plus, these family pictures are all magazine-worthy, seriously. You guys are perfect!!!

  2. Happy November!! A beautiful life for sure. xo m

  3. This is the sweetest. Happy November my dear!

  4. You have the most beautiful little family!! Happy celebrating this wonderful month!

  5. Yay! Congrats on all your milestones. Our wedding anniversary is November 11th! Woohoo!

  6. Happy November! It's a great month for you guys :)

  7. That is just the sweetest for how special November is for you two!!

  8. aw, November is a pretty sentimental month for me as well! I love this!

  9. We have the exact same anniversary! Happy Anniversary this week!

  10. This is so sweet! I love this! Happy November to you two- you have built quite the amazing life so far!

  11. Ok ok so I totally thought this was going to end with a "we're expecting" surprise ...but it didn't.

    Good thing you guys are easy on the eyes or I might've been a bit disappointed....


  12. happy november ! anniversery...and K bday !!

  13. Happy November! What a special month. Is that a puggle I see in your pictures? If so -- just wondering how she has been around your daughter? We have an almost 1 year old puggle (on Thursday!) and while we just got married, we know we are having children one day...and I'm always wondering how she will handle the change. And I agree with you -- fall in MN has been awesome! I'm hoping it will stick around for a bit longer!

  14. That's our September. Love it! :) Happy November Fawver family!

  15. you guys are adorable. i REALLY need to meet your ENTIRE family! ;)


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