Monday, January 12, 2015


I am sure all of my dear instagram, facebook & fitbit friends have been just worried sick about my lack of posting and activity over the past week, but fear not my friends, I am alive and well. I am, however, in a complete and total Mexicoma.

I know it's over
But the sun still shines on a fool like me.
Mexicoma by Tim McGraw on Grooveshark
You guys know that Timmy song?

For the past 7 days I have been in Mexico with my hubby and our besties.
It was an INCREDIBLE vacation and I'm excited to share it with you....once I catch up on laundry, snuggle with my baby and shake the world's biggest hangover - also known as a Mexicoma.


  1. Ughhhhhh you're making me want to book a trip there NOW! Can't wait to read all about it!

  2. I am so jealous. That looks like El Dorado where we spent our honeymoon - love, love, love that place!

  3. Girl! Nick and I stayed at the El Dorado casitas last March...I didn't know that is where you were staying! I hope you loved it as much as we did! And that shot looks familiar- is it like crap in the grass or something weird like that???

    Can't wait to hear all about the trip!

  4. I can't wait to see beach pics and hear all about your Mexico fun!! Welcome back!

  5. So fun!!! Welcome home...even if it is bittersweet to be back. :)

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