Friday, February 27, 2015

4 Weeks Fit is BACK!

Yes! Yes! Yes! Get excited because 4 WEEKS FIT is back! Whoop! Me and my pal, Erin from Love, Fun and Football are back to bring you the link-up you love to hate. 

Here's what you do...
1. Spend the weekend coming up with some health & fitness related goals you would like to achieve during the month of March!

2. Jot your goals down in a blog post and share with the world this coming Monday, March 2nd! Don't forget to use this button!

3. Come back here to Mama & Mou or visit Erin at Love, Fun and Football and link up your post! While you're there, check out the posts of other bloggers participating so that you can encourage and cheer for each other!

4. Dominate your goals. 

5. Link-up with us again at the end of the month, Tuesday, Mar. 31st to be exact and share your progress, success and struggles!

I'm thinking I'll definitely have some kind of FitBit step goal, maybe a water drinking goal and should probably throw in a half marathon training goal....what goals are coming to your mind right away?

 Enjoy your weekend and get excited to link up on Monday!
This is going to be great!


  1. Yes to the water drinking goal!! I hear it's totally amazing! I need to make one as well.
    Also, I just really need a fitbit for Eric AND me!

  2. YAY! Can't wait to totally ROCK this challenge and the whole month of March with you! :)

  3. I'm so excited for this challenge this month!!!! :) thanks for doing this again, ladies. Can't wait to watch everyones journeys!

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