Monday, March 2, 2015

#4WeeksFit - My Goals

We're baaaaack! I am once again teaming up with my buddy Erin to challenge all of you to set some goals for the next 4 weeks! Goals to help you get healthier - whatever that means to you! Post your goals today {or tomorrow works too} and link up with us! We'll all reconvene on March 31st to link up and share the progress and results of our 4 weeks of kicking ass!
Love, Fun & football

Here is what I am hoping to accomplish over the next 4 weeks. 

1. I am terrible at drinking water. I don't know why it is so hard for me, so I plan on tracking my water on my FitBit and reach 70oz every day this month. 

2. I've been finding all kinds of excuses to skip training runs. Yes, life happens and sometimes runs just are not part of the plan. However, readjusting the schedule and making these runs a priority is necessary this month. My half marathon is just under 3 months away and while that seems like a long time now, I know time is going to fly by. 

3. I've been averaging around 9k steps in a day which for me really is average. I need to step my game up *pun intended* and get moving more throughout the day. If I stick with my training runs like I intend to do, hitting a 12k average shouldn't be too tough. 

4. There is the stupid number on the scale that I just cannot pass. I think if I focus on eating the right foods and sticking to all those runs I should be able to FINALLY blast pass this dang number! 

I can't wait to read about all of your goals! 
AND, Don't forget to share your progress throughout the month by using the hashtag #4weeksfit!


  1. Drinking water is something I need to work on too. I've recently fell in love with sparkling water. It's definitely helping me get more ounces more every day.

  2. I am awful at getting a lot of steps in each day with being chained to my desk all day at work.

    I find that lemon helps me drink more water when I am less enthused about it. Good luck with your goals!

  3. I wish I had a fitbit or something to track my steps!! That's so awesome. I have absolutely NO idea how many I'm averaging while at work. Would be nice to know!!! You're gonna KNOCK these goals outta the water, I just know it!

  4. You are gonna' KILL IT Tat!!! :) I have a step goal too, but mine's a little less haha! I find it so hard to get up and move at work but I think I'm going to start having a little reminder pop up every hour so I remember to stand up and move!!

  5. Great stuff lady. Try adding mint or fruit to your water for a new twist.

  6. I really want to hit 100oz of water a day. I've gotten close but chicken out come evening time because I don't want to be up peeing all night, ha ha!
    I bet drinking tons of water will help you blast past the plateau!

  7. Drinking enough water in a day has always been a challenge for me. I started adding cucumber and fruits to my water, and it makes it way easier! Good luck with your goals! Love the link up!

  8. Having a fitbit has definitely made life a little easier plus it's easier to hold myself accountable. Good luck!!

  9. I came over from Nadine & Kristen's blog and I love what you are doing! I have not been great with blogging and maybe that is what I need to add to my list!

  10. Love the link up and your goals!! good luck! im sure you'll do awesome!!

  11. I think drinking coffee in the morning at work really cuts into my water consumption during the day. I need to start drinking my coffee at home before work so get more water into me at work!

    Until yesterday I would have thought 12k steps a day was INSANE but by 7 last night, before I even worked out, I was already over 11k steps!

    Good luck with your goals - I can't wait until the end of the month to see everyone's progress!

  12. Ugh. I totally forgot about water. I am horrible at getting enough and should add that to my list. Love your goals!


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