Wednesday, February 25, 2015

This Past Week

Holy smokes, the past week (plus) has been bananas. It's been so fun, busy and emotional and really just straight up nuts.

It all started last Friday the 13th., which was all about getting fired up for the State Dance Competition! It's a tradition for my sister's team that when they make it to state the moms and dads have a dance battle the night before and the girls choose the winner. This year the dads asked me if I would coach their team and choreograph their could I possibly say no to that? I love my squad of dads and love how hard they tried worked and especially love that they refer to me as Coach Kris. Helping the dads team was way more fun than I could have anticipated, and I'm sad it's all over.

Then that Saturday {Valentines Day}, I was up bright and early to meet the dance team at the high school to send them off to state in style and excitement.
Next, it was a full day of watching dance, hanging with the dance parents and my dear friend Dawn, her hubby & her lil dancers! Our girls didn't dance the best in the preliminary competition but advanced to the finals despite our nerves! 
What happened that evening is something I never would have anticipated and if you live in Minnesota you are well aware of what I am speaking of because it's been all over the news and if you don't know and want to - just google "Minnesota State Dance Competition" and plenty of articles will come up. It's been really difficult and frustrating to read so many one-sided reports regarding what took place. I could write an entire post on my opinion but those who wanted my opinion have asked me for it. I will say, however, that seeing people who know nothing about a sport that I love dearly and am so passionate about share opinions with no understanding of the whole story is really aggravating. I am proud of the stand that took place and left the competition feeling incredibly proud of my little sister and what she has accomplished and what her hard work has achieved over the past 15 years. I refuse to let this controversy ruin what was an awesome day and a great night!

Because I spent all of Valentines Day surrounded by screaming dance parents, Jason and I celebrated our love day on Sunday. After a fabulous, quiet and un-crowded dinner at The Capital Grille we decided the 15th of February is way more our style than the 14th - I think a new tradition may have been born!

As if the dance drama wasn't enough to handle in our family, my baby sister also decided this week that this fall she will be attending Ohio State! I am so incredibly proud of her and so excited for her next chapter. This is a huge decision and one she put a lot of thought in to. I am not yet thinking about how far away she will be but it will no double hit me eventually.

I also got news this past week that KEVIN GARNETT IS COMING HOME! Those who know me in real life know that KG is my all time favorite athlete and was a major, major, major obsession of mine back in the day. We traded him in 2007 and our team has never been the same. Now, to have our Alpha Wolf return to finish out his career here, where he belongs, is SO exciting! I cannot wait to see him in a Wolves jersey again tonight!

In addition to all the drama and excitement, this week I've had book club {which is always a blast}, tons of work to do, a visit up at the ranch with my in-laws, my mom is in town, we had my pal Abby's 30th birthday masquerade ball...

...AND it was one of my favorite days of the year - Oscar Sunday! I spaz out over the Oscars and despute this year's show being incredibly boring, I loved vegging out all day in front of the TV and watching my favorite celebs {although my three faves were MIA - Leo, Tom Hanks or J.Law}. I thought my fellow Greek, Jen Aniston, took home the award for best dressed!
She is so flawlessly gorgeous! I love that she did simple hair and jewels and let her amazing bod and gorgeous Versace dress do all the talking. Perfection in my opinion.

I really thought winter was for hibernation, but I'm not complaining. I'm grateful to have so many fun plans to help this dreary month fly by. I am, however, excited for a more low key week and weekend ahead! Happy Hump Day my friends!


  1. GIIIIIIRL! I almost texted you when I first saw the article and watched the video. That ish is bananas. Forgive me for asking, but were y'all on the side that won or the side that took a stand and didn't get the medals because of the copyright issue? I don't' have an opinion on it, as I wasn't there, just wanted to know the opinion of someone that was, if you are okay sharing.


  2. GIIIIIIRL! I almost texted you when I first saw the article and watched the video. That ish is bananas. Forgive me for asking, but were y'all on the side that won or the side that took a stand and didn't get the medals because of the copyright issue? I don't' have an opinion on it, as I wasn't there, just wanted to know the opinion of someone that was, if you are okay sharing.


  3. What an amazing day it was to watch your sister dance. I'm so glad we could be there and thanks for making us apart of the EP family! You know my feelings on the whole situation, but again - SO proud of your sis and the rest of the teams who took a stand that day! My little dancers and I will forever be grateful!

    P.S. I spy a cat ring ;)

  4. I don't know how in the world you keep up with it all- you are super human!!!! :) And by the way... get used to a lotta' O-H!!!!

  5. When I heard about the whole drama around State, my first thought was about your sister, I'd love to hear your take on it, if you don't mind sharing!


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