Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Greatest Sacrifice

OK, that title is a tad on the dramatic side, this is by no means the GREATEST sacrifice but today, on Ash Wednesday I am declaring Forty Days Starbucks Free. *gasp* I always give something up for lent, I think the lesson of sacrifice is a great one and just a small way to show gratitude for the sacrifice Jesus made for all of us. The true greatest sacrifice.

This year I wanted to give up something REALLY hard and when taking a look at my daily life I decided that giving up Starbucks would probably be the hardest challenge but would also give me great reward. In trying to make some financial changes around these parts, eliminating weekly, bi-weekly, almost daily $5 lattes will definitely have an impact. However, I know myself well, I know I will attempt to find loopoles. And so, not only am I giving up Starbucks but I am giving up purchasing coffee, espresso beverages or anything of the sort at ANY coffee shops of any kind! The one shift a week that I work at a coffee shop I get one free drink and I will allow myself that because it is free and will of course allow myself coffee at home because I get free beans from work, not mention giving up coffee entirely might just send me to an early grave.
So really, I am giving up paying for coffee. This is going to be SO hard but I have a feeling if I can truly execute the self control it's going to feel super amazing at the end of this 40 days. And maybe just maybe will break an expensive habit and I can actually live as one of those people who buys coffee as a treat every now and then.....maybe. 


  1. What a great idea, lady! I'm still trying to figure out something to give up.

  2. I think that if you're so used to doing it it will be a really hard thing to forgo this season, so good for you! :) You can do it and you'll feel so good about really choosing something hard to sacrifice !

  3. Good challenge! You'll save so much money! Good luck!

  4. Good challenge! You'll save so much money! Good luck!

  5. Oh wow girl, you are my hero....I don't think I could do it. Please promise me you won't send me mad snapchats though because you aren't getting your daily fix....and I will try not to rub in my daily starbucks runs either. deal?

  6. You will rock this!! And the money you save alone will be so awesome :)

  7. Good for you! I know as a new Mama giving up Starbucks would be so hard right now. I tell myself I deserve it. Haha.


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