Friday, February 13, 2015

Whoop, It's Friday!

Friday, Friday, Friday! 

February as a whole I have deemed as lame. There isn't a whole lot going on, it's super cold, it's gray and it's that point of winter where spring still seems far away but you are so so so sick of stupid winter. There are essentially 5 things helping me survive the lameness of February and they are as follows...

I am a hardcore super fan and major dance team supporter. After a nervewracking but exciting day at Sections a few weeks ago my sister's team secured their spot at STATE which is this weekend! I am so excited, so nervous and so sad. My sister is a Senior so no matter what, this Saturday will be her last time dancing. It's going to be bittersweet for sure. There have been some super fun festivities surrounding state as well, which I'll go in to more later {hint: I'm coaching a dad's dance team. OMG.}

I have the privelage of standing as Maid of Honor in my very bestest friend's wedding this September, which means...PARTY PLANNING! I am knee deep in shower and bachelorette plans and am so stinkin' excited! If you follow me on Pinterest you may have noticed quite a few party related pinning sprees. Sorry about that, but I don't anticipate them slowing down any time soon. There's much to do, much to plan, and much to celebrate! These next 7 months are going to be a blast!

My mom and Aunt are so generously taking my cousin and I to New York this Spring to celebrate our 30th birthdays! The ladies have given me the planning reigns as I am not only the most spastically type-a of the group but also because NYC is my favorite place on the planet and I could literally plan NYC agendas It's hard not to just revisit all my favorite places, but I definitely want to see and do and eat at some new places. Anyone have some must-eat restaurants you want to recommend?

THIS COMBO. Seriously, a saving grace this time of year. Just a drop of Wild Orange in one palm and a drop of peppermint in the other, rub together, and breathe in and I feel awake, invigorated and uplifted. It's also been making a very frequent appearance in my diffuser. 

"Ro-rona". Kenley and I will be making our second annual trip to Scottsdale in March to spend 8 glorious days with my mom. Every morning Kenley asks "We go to Ro-rona now?" I have to explain how many days we have left, to which she replies "No, we go to Ro-rona in one minute." I wish kid, I wish. 

Linkin' up with these other Friday lovin' bloggers!


  1. Can I please come to Ro-rona too?! I need some sunshine and warmth so bad- because you are right, February is lameee!! Good luck to your sister this weekend... although I am slightly more excited about the dad's dance ;)

  2. "No we go in one minute" haha that is so cute! Happy Friday! Best of luck to your sisters dance team!

  3. So excited for AZ & NYC!!
    Good luck to Kara and the dancing dads. xo m

  4. I cannot WAIT for tomorrow. :)
    I totally get that this month is when we feel like spring is JUST around the corner, yet it's really still so far away..blah!! But, looks like you have so much fun things coming up to plan for to pass the time. :)

  5. A dads dance team? This I gotta see.

    Arizona is just the ticket this time of year, have so much fun.

  6. Alright so I'm majorly jealous of your Ro-Rona and NYC trips woman! When are you in AZ again? I just booked our annual scottsdale trip with my gals in April but I'm thinking you won't be there then (another missed opp) :(

    And I can't wait to see you become all crazy dance mom with Kenley!!!

  7. haha no we go in one minute!!! i wish too, take me with! ;)

  8. I big puffy heart NYC, too! Can't wait to read your recaps and see all the fun y'all have while there!

    Kenley is just the cutest in her swimsuit, shades and hat...I love the Ro-rona convo! HAHA!!


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