Tuesday, May 5, 2015

2nd Annual AZ Girls Trip

The end of March, Kenley and I took our second annual trip to Scottsdale to spend the week with my mom. When planning our trip I requested that we do very little - a week of laying around in the sun was really all that I wanted. And so, we spent the majority of our time in the backyard eating, drinking, swimming, lounging, and bonfire-ing.

While laying low was the ultimate agenda we did squeeze in some other fun, such as modeling golf clothes and enjoying dinner at Grimaldi's with my mama's lifelong bestie, my Auntie Sherri. We also sat on a giant Wildcat which we feel confident was lucky and contributed to the Arizona Wildcats success in March Madness.

I was also able to cross off one my 31 in 31 to-do's by climbing a mountain! 

And, Kenley got to experience a couple of exciting firsts! Like her first ice cream cone and her first trip to the zoo, both of which she really really really loved. 
 Thanks to the Phoenix zoo, Kenley's favorite animal is now a rhino. Why she was so enamoured with that thing, I have no idea. 

And, like any good trip, it was complete with tons of snapchats to our friends at home in the cold. 

It was another amazing week in Scottsdale and I love that we have the opportunity to spend this quality time with my mama! I'm already looking forward to next year! 


  1. Love, love love!! I have been to Arizona just once but I fell in love with it and now this makes me want to go back. Please include me in the 3rd annual girls trip next year ;) Those ice cream pictures of Kenley are so fun and cute! AND- hilarious that I posted zoo pictures today too- TAT!

  2. So fun! I'm sure as Kenley gets older and understand the time away, she too will look forward to this annual trip!!!

  3. What a PERFECT trip to see your mom!! But I AM sad we didn't get to meet, ha ha!
    I don't know what it is about the rhino, but Mia is obsessed as well! She tries her hardest to get me to buy a rhino toy in the gift shop on our way out, ha ha!

  4. so fun! i can't believe how big kenley has gotten!

  5. A very special time with my girls and I look forward to next year!!
    xo m

  6. that zoo looks awesome!!! i (hated) loved ALL you snaps, too.


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