Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Ranch Life

I am a city girl, there is no doubt about it. However, I love spending time at my in-law's ranch. There is something so relaxing about being away from the hustle and bustle of every day life. Plus, I don't care who you are, looking out the kitchen window and seeing horses roaming the backyard is pretty stinkin' cool. While the ranch is relaxing for me, it is a world of fun and wonder for Kenley. We spent two of our April weekends on the ranch and Kenley had the time of her life. She got to have a Easter Egg hunt...
...and then was gifted her very own baby chicks. Yup, my 2.5 year old is the proud owner of 6 {well, now 5, we had a loss} baby chicks. 
Those of you who know me in real life are probably cracking up laughing because you know I am beyond terrified of birds. For a hot minute my in-laws thought we were going to bring the 6 soon-to-be-full-grown-chickens home with, with 6 pet farm birds. I'd move out. 
Yep, I held one. Take a good will NEVER happen again. Also, baby chicks are not scary when they're 5 days old {pictured}. When they're 2 weeks old, they are officially terrifying. 

As Kenley has quickly learned, life on the ranch isn't all fun and games. There is much to do and K is put to work. Our little ranch hand LOVES helping her Papa with all the chores, like feeding the chickens and finding eggs...

...heading to the barn to feed the cats and get hay for the horses...

...but it's kind of a hike for a teeny little kid, so it's best to drive...

...then the horses need to be fed.

All the hard work is totally worth it when you can bring your bestie to help.

While I am a city girl at heart, I think my little love might just prefer life on the ranch. 


  1. Oh my GOODNESS! Look at Kenley! I can't handle all this cuteness!!!! This looks like a blast. I agree, I feel like a city girl most days but there's something so relaxing about being in the country, on a farm, etc. I want to come play next time!! ;)

  2. Excuse me while I drift back into a land of nostalgia for a bit. This reminds me of being a kid and visiting my mom's side of the family who had farms and showed pigs and cows and we got to hold little chicks and it was just the best day ever, every time. Kenley looks SO HAPPY to be holding those lil chicks!!!

  3. Wonderful for a city mouse to play country mouse and spend time with her grandparents.
    The pictures are adorable! xo

  4. Those blonde curls!!! Kenley is SO flipping adorable! And so big!!!

  5. Total bliss on her face as she's holding those chicks! This post was worth the've been giving her the time of her life:)

  6. oh my gosh!!! her face in all the chickie pics!!!! aDORable!!! and... you help a bird... you. held. a. bird! nice work!

    i also love her in the sweatshirt and hat! so cute!

    "home... home... on the ranchhhhh!

  7. She is so stinkin cute with those chicks!!

  8. That sweatshirt she's hometown, love it!!!

  9. These pictures are absolutely priceless!! The close up of Kenley holding the chick? OMG! How fun!

  10. These pictures are absolutely priceless!! The close up of Kenley holding the chick? OMG! How fun!


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