Thursday, May 14, 2015

Stock the Bar Couples Shower

This September my best friend in all the land will be walking down the aisle and marrying the love of her life. Libby was my Maid of Honor and when she asked me to return the favor I was honored, excited and knew I had big shoes to fill. Duty 1 as MOH was planning a shower! Lib's didn't want a traditional shower and so we instead decided to do one big party for her and soon-to-be-hubby, Nathan. I decided doing a "Stock the Bar" theme at a bar was a perfect way to include all of their guests and celebrate both Libby & Nathan together. I mean, everyone likes booze!

You all know by now that invitations are the part of the party I spend most time on, they set the tone for the event after all! I knew these had to be something special so the guests knew this event was meant to be super fun and not your "typical" bridal shower. Enter my dear friend Sara Jayne who helped me bring my vision to life with her masterful design skills and fancy crafting toys! We spent HOURS on these invites but it was worth every second in the end.
I'm mad at myself for not getting a better photo of the invitations, but I am SO excited about how they turned out.

We held the "shower party" at Urban Eatery in Calhoun Beach Club {for you locals} and it couldn't have worked any better. Everyone at Urban Eatery was so helpful in putting this event together and the space worked out perfectly for our large group. We reserved the whole bar area and it provided the perfect backdrop for a bar themed party. 
Because the bar is so pretty, we didn't really need to do much in the way of decor. Urban Eatery added some nice black linens to each of the tables along with a candle, so all we did was add some spray painted wine bottles. 
Big shout out to my father-in-law who did all the spray painting! He's like ridiculously good at spray painting, I am not. 

We provided buffet style appetizers for the guests which were DELICIOUS! Again, Urban Eatery did a fantastic job. 

I enlisted the help of some very talented friends to help me with the desserts. My friend Natalie made ADORABLE custom cookies complete with the groom's favorite beer. And don't be fooled, while the cookies are super cute, they are equally super delicious. These cookies ended up being my favorite detail of the shower! My sister's dance teammate whipped up the cute little olive cake pops for me. I'm so happy with how the sweets table turned out and love so much that we were able to find desserts that matched our theme. 

Instead of doing a traditional guest book, I decided to do a custom GIANT bottle of wine for all of the guests to sign. I figured it was a perfect way for Libby & Nathan to remember this party with their family and friends. 

For favors, I made little wine glass charms for each of the guests to take home and am pretty in love with how they turned out! 

Other than that, all we did was balloons. You should all know by now I can't possibly throw a party without a trip to see my friends at The Corner Balloon Shoppe {the best in the balloon business, I'm so obsessed}.

And of course I had to give a fun bar-themed gift! So I gave L&N a bottle of champagne for each of life's exciting milestones {wedding night, first anny, baby and a box of House Wine for the new house they just bought}.

This night could not have gone any better! Everyone had so much fun and all the plans and prep went off without a hitch. As with any good party, it's all about the people who attend and spending the evening with my favorites is what made it so very special! 


  1. Wow! You went all out! It looks awesome! My friend at work just had a stock the bar engagement party for our coworker and it was a huge success--love the idea!

  2. ABSOLUTE PERFECTION! Honestly, Kristin- you should go into the party-planning business. No detail gets overlooked with you- what a beautiful event for your bestie!!

  3. Just found your blog and love it! I'm a Minneapolis girl, too. I recently went to a baby shower at Urban Eatery, and you're right they do an amazing job! Love love the desserts - those olive cake balls are incredible. You throw an amazing shower!

  4. You most def need to go in the party planning business! You did so great...again! I'm so jealous of your skills...good job mama!

  5. What a fun party! You did an incredible job!

  6. Krit you make every event so special. The room, food and decor... perfection! It was so fun to see everyone and worth the trip home.
    xo m

  7. This is FABULOUS! I love every single detail!

  8. Great job Beeb! :) Everything is awesome!

  9. Ummm is this a joke?!??! I can't believe how AMAZING this is! You seriously could do this for a living.... wow! I love every little detail!!!! :)

  10. Girlfriend...ok so the snaps did not lie and this was the party of the century. Amazing! Seriously...I'm a big fan of the details and you knocked them all out of the park! xo

  11. Everything is flawless!!!! What an amazing party!!! I need to know how your girlfriend made those cookies and more importantly if she doesn't sell them, she should!!!!!

  12. i need to hire you for my next party, you throw the BEST! everything looked so great! good job MOH- am sure your bestie loved it ALL!

  13. What a fun shower! I just love all the little details!

  14. The food at this venue was excellent, as was the service, many of our friends and family still rave about it. My wife and I highly recommend this venue. We came at party venue nyc again for dinner and everything was again good and the service was extremely fast.


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