Tuesday, June 9, 2015

A Different Kind of Birth Video

I am so excited about today's post! A little back story - last June when me, Carolyn, Andrea & Dawn went to visit Katie Mango in Council Bluffs I was in a way introduced to Chelsey. Council Bluffs is 6 hours away and on the car ride home Dawn was telling us all about this beautiful video made of photos from the day her friend had her 4th baby. Of course she pulls it up and of course I am driving so for 12 straight minutes I hear my 3 girlfriends gushing over this amazing video that I can't see. Needless to say I watched it almost immediately after getting home and knew I just had to share it! Turns out when a busy mom of 1 and a busy mom of 4 {but really, what is my excuse?} try to get a guest post together it literally takes a year! But, the wait was worth it because today I get to share with you the story of how sweet little Cashten was born. So read about Chelsey and her boys and then seriously - watch the entire video because it's so great, I dare you not to tear up!!!


Hello Mama & Mou readers!!!  I was first made aware of Kristin's blog from a mutual friend that had reached out to me after she had showed Kristin our family birth video on a car ride, and it must have been a long one if they even got around to watching a video that highlights my upper thighs :) 

My name is Chelsey Anderson, but I mostly go by mom. 
A little backstory, my husband and I were married in 2006 and also had our first son in 2006, yeah we were one of those couples!  Camden Michael was born on July 6th, 2006 on his due date.  
I remember when we found out we were pregnant with him I was so so surprised that we were having a boy for two reasons. 1.  My husband and I both only had sisters and 2.  I was a girl so how was that even possible for me to have a boy....yes this thought actually did run through my head!  And I'm starting to think that God heard this thought and chuckled right along with me, as he decided to bless us with three additional sons after Camden!

Our second son Cayden Jeffrey was born on September 23rd 2008 and was three weeks early.
Our third son followed shortly after and was born on February 17th, 2010.  We named him Callen Johns and he too was born on his due date.

We settled in nicely as a family of five.  Things were crazy, awesome, loud and wonderful all wrapped in a ball! 

By this point we were asked a lot if we were going to try for "that girl". We had three little guys so fast so I really felt like I should be done, we were busy and our life was full but there was always a part of me that would get teary eyed thinking of never having another child. 

2013 rolled around and I was starting to feel really at peace with not having another baby. I remember even telling my mom one night, "You know mom, I think I am finally ok with being done DONE with having babies."  And this was a big thing for me to say out loud. The next few weeks I couldn't get over the flu and my gums started bleeding when I brushed my teeth.  Finally one day my sister came over with a pregnancy test and said I think you better take this.  I was in total denial but took the test.  I couldn't believe it when it came back positive within seconds....holy cow, we are PREGNANT!  I called Cory immediately at work and he couldn't believe it either!  At this point things went into overdrive.  At the time we were refinishing our basement so there was a big push to get everything done!  I can say wholeheartedly this was my most enjoyable pregnancy.  I had so many lovely family members, friends and the most wonderful midwife and nurse to help me along the way.  It was a joy to have the boys be older and enjoy every kick and hiccup with baby was in my belly!!  

At 20 weeks we found out our family would be complete with one more little boy!  Admittedly there was a moment in the office after our ultrasound that I had a moment to mourn never having a biological girl of our own, but I couldn't have been more grateful for another healthy baby boy growing inside my belly!

As our baby's birth approached I new my very dear friend would be in the room taking pictures.  This was the first time we also invited my sister, mom and Cory's mom in the birthing room. Knowing it was our last time I probably would have invited my favorite check out lady at target if I had had time on the way to the hospital, I was so excited!  But with all the excitement came a lot of expectations for that day.  I was trying to prepare myself that all of the people I wanted to be there may not make it, including my husband that had been traveling to North Dakota for work for most of the summer.  My reoccurring nightmare was that I would end up dragging three boys into the hospital and delivering in front of all of them....and having no one else make it! 

At my 36 week appointment I was shocked when my midwife told me that I was already dilated to a 2.  I went home and packed my bag!  The next week went fast and slow all at once.  I was trying to log every detail of being pregnant in my mind because I knew it was coming to an end and at the same time baby was sitting so SO low I was pretty sure an arm was going to pop out at any moment!  I delivered all of my other boys on Wednesdays and my sister and I were born on a Wednesday so it wasn't even on my radar that I could deliver on another day ;) 

On Monday September 30th I went to my 37 week appointment, my legs were shaved and I was ready for anything!  Chillon (my midwife) checked me and the look on her face....she said you are a 3-4 and I can feel his head.  Oh my!  This is getting real!  So I went home to see if anything would happen.  Contractions started, we went for a walk, took a bath and those contractions kept a coming.  I went back in to see her at the clinic and was now at a 5.  She gave me a hug and said see you in an hour at the hospital!  Cory got home from work, showered and we left the kids with my Dad Michael.  At the hospital things progressed and it was truly the easiest labor I have ever had.  Everyone that was planning on being there made it!  Can you believe it? I think the video speaks for itself and captures every detail.  I can not tell you how much of a keepsake this video is for our family and I can't make it through the first minute without crying.  Thank you again to Licia Marie Photography for capturing it all! 

We became of family of 6!  Here we are as a family when baby was 10 days old and again when he is 1!   Cashten Dean Anderson was born on September 30th, 2013.  Our family is complete!

Thank you Kristin for allowing me to share our family's story!


If you would like to share your birth story, please email me at mamaandmou@gmail.com


  1. Oh my GOSH- what a beautiful story and video! I officially want 4 boys right now. I mean...... ;)

  2. Oh my, I should not have watched this 36+ weeks pregnant! Now I want to have a photographer come and do this for my daughter's birth in a couple weeks. What a beautiful family and an awesome way to capture such a special moment!

  3. This whole post gives me chills. First of all...take me back to the car ride to Council Bluffs....we need to plan another road trip..STAT!
    AND..Chelsey has the most adorable family - 4 boys! I can't even imagine! Ha!! I could sit and watch that video all day...and cry..all day! Beautiful mama, inside and out!

  4. OMG. I completely forgot about this! Watching it again, pregnant with my second boy... SO EMOTIONAL!!!! Thanks to Chelsey for sharing your story and amazing video, and thanks to Kristin for sharing it on the blog to make my makeup run at work.

    I'm going to go imagine my two sons together now. BAH!!!

  5. What a beautiful family! Thanks for sharing. xo m


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