Friday, June 12, 2015

Five Things on Friday

Hey! Hey! Hey! Who else is pumped it's Friday?! Weekends in the summer are the best of the best and I am happy as a clam that I get 2 full days with my man & our baby girl! Jason was out of town the past two weekends and I was in New York prior to that - so some time with my loves is much needed. Beyond that, here are five random things for this lovely Friday morning. 

one. While in NYC my cousin recommended a hair product to help me get my curls to stay. I like my curls more loose and casual and sadly when I style it that way the curls fall flat almost immediately but NOT ANYMORE! Redken's Curvaceous Wave Ahead works and is amazing and I love it! 

two. My Beeb is having another Baby Boy!!! Now that Baby Roe #2's gender has been announced, the Sprinkle planning has officially begun! I can't wait to put together another party and can't wait to have another squishy little baby around!

three. I randomly threw together a salad with stuff I had on hand earlier this week and it has become an all time favorite - baby spinach + cucumber + chickpeas + feta + green olives + annie's organic papaya poppyseed dressing. SO DELICIOUS! 

four. I have officially turned into a Snapchat addict. I definitely over-snap but cannot help myself. It's just too fun! 

five. HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY to my baby sister, Kara! Kara graduated high school last weekend {grad party deets coming on Monday} and that basically put me over the edge but now to say my little sister is EIGHTEEN?! How is this possible? 

I hope you all have fantastic weekends!


  1. That snapchat..... BAH! :) I am definitely making note of that hair product- my curls hardly EVER stay in for long! Enjoy your weekend with your family!!

  2. OMG! I need that hair stuff in my life!!!!

  3. Ouuu I've actually been looking for a good curl product cause plain old hairspray doesn't seem to do much!!! That snapchat is killing me, ha!!! Have a fun weekend with your fam :)

  4. Gonna have to try that wave spray! And I was literally just writing about snap chat... I has peeked my interest, but I just can't jump on board yet! Too many things....I'll stick with instagram!

  5. love snapping!!! as you know ;)
    snapchatters anonymous- RIGHT HERE!

    i have to try that curvaceous spray my hairs love curl... for .5 seconds.

  6. Mmm that salad looks delicious! And that dressing sounds so good!


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